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[Slug] RapidKillz

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Everything posted by [Slug] RapidKillz

  1. leader of the deathslugs some of you may no me if u dont like im really sorry i hopwe we can get over my intelligence level and come to an agreement that we can be friends? i love olympus sooo much and i hope we can hang out in discord and be best friends ill share my most deep and inner secrets with you @Dante i love you bro i hope we can get to know eachother better thank you for your service
  2. -1000 rep can I get 2k?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. [Slug] RapidKillz

      [Slug] RapidKillz

      do i have the most on olympus?

    3. NokiaStrong


      You might have the least

    4. SPBojo


      @Lion Difference is, people genuinely dislike @[Slug] RapidKillz, you are just retarded so people down vote you.

  3. Ahoholocs annomous: Love is not enough
  4. Oh wait roleplay for my bounty I had so much fun getting and it making no difference because I just get sent to jail anyway without getting a reduced ticket? Nice roleplay server
  5. Posative reinforcement
  6. Why is this thread full of hate? Don't you nerds realize I'm better than you?
  7. I wasnt allowed to post for a month for giving my honest opinion. I guess freedom of speech isn't allowed on Olympus. Don't worry guys I'll make sure you all realize who was right this entire time.
  8. Sup baby you're fine as hell can I dream about you being my wife

  9. He's a defiled creature who will burn for his actions.
  10. Wow that was really good
  11. Who are you?
  12. I like your.picture cuz it looks like the girl is licking her arm

    1. Instantmac


      1 hour ago, Kden said:

      I can gladly say I was your 500th downvote

      You're doing the lord's work, son.

  13. What smells like ass stays stankay
  14. Sorry guys but this is now coming to and end. Nobody was able to defeat the true master so the slot to join the best gang on olympus 'DeathSlugs' remains open to those only who prove themselves worthy...
  15. Ok guys I have only seen 1 rap so far it's coming to and end so get ur raps in. The limited time offer of being able to join the DeathSlugs is coming to an end don't miss this great opportunity!
  16. it got popular cuz it favors a buncha little fuck boys
  17. apd dick suckin at its finest
  18. i mean both of your pictures are full of autism soo either rap or gtfo insecure pussy boi
  19. it was all good up until the last sentance thank you for trying heres 50k
  20. I see a lot of smack but no 1 has yet to attack with a lyrical rap oh snap
  21. to join the DeathSlugs / or money Yo my name is Rapidkillz I pop deez pills like I pop deez nutz My mind is so divine I kill without even having to try don't cry just realize that ur goin to die skrrt skrrt Oh look, is that Dread? They should change their name to Dead cuz when I roll up I , the Leader of DeathSlugs no longer gives a fuck. Pull out the titan and blast em like I blast your mom in bed. Even if they parachute it ain't goin to help cuz we have snipers on the ground yeah better get down cuz they don't make a sound crawling on the ground snipers on the ground better get down lookin like a clown that don't frown meoww
  22. Blah blah blah ur staff team needs to do some serious revamp on this rule it's crippling olympus
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