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[Slug] RapidKillz

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Everything posted by [Slug] RapidKillz

  1. hey guys im a really cool dude lookin for ppl to hang with! if you see me in game hmu we can do runs and stuff i got my own gang if u want to join. i have some great connects to do some banks / cartels if u ever want to give it a try im sure we can find a spot for u! i love olympus and look forward to hearing from you guys in the future!
  2. hey man im glad u see the humor in it

    its all just fun in games most people dont see it that way...

    thanks, yours truly

    rapidkillz, the leader of the most dangerous gang that ever walked the lands of olympus

  3. leader of deathslugs. the godslug himself. rapidkillz
  4. I'm sure it's about something's I've complained about and was ignored when indeed I was right. #allofmycomments #allofmyideas
  5. Im thankful for having the braincells in understanding what mechanics make a LIFE server fail in Arma3. Such as the cop force for olympus. Increase the roleplay and reduce tickets when caught and you'll get more players.
  6. Rather than perm someone, we should have a colored name for how much -rep someone has.
  7. Yeah he is really hated. Not getting the most liked content, unlike me!
  8. @Dante pretty sure this deserves a month ban. My post wasnt't nearly this bad and got a month ban. @Deadpool @Grandma Gary @Ignisremember the conversation we had in Ts about dante's abuse of power? Please, lift my ban or ban this kid.
  9. leader of the deathslugs some of you may no me if u dont like im really sorry i hopwe we can get over my intelligence level and come to an agreement that we can be friends? i love olympus sooo much and i hope we can hang out in discord and be best friends ill share my most deep and inner secrets with you @Dante i love you bro i hope we can get to know eachother better thank you for your service
  10. -1000 rep can I get 2k?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. [Slug] RapidKillz

      [Slug] RapidKillz

      do i have the most on olympus?

    3. NokiaStrong


      You might have the least

    4. SPBojo


      @Lion Difference is, people genuinely dislike @[Slug] RapidKillz, you are just retarded so people down vote you.

  11. Oh wait roleplay for my bounty I had so much fun getting and it making no difference because I just get sent to jail anyway without getting a reduced ticket? Nice roleplay server
  12. Why is this thread full of hate? Don't you nerds realize I'm better than you?
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