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its wooter

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Everything posted by its wooter

  1. miss u too buddy
  2. Well if it went up to 50k, cops would have to respond to them more
  3. Gas stations should give you a higher payout
  4. Get rid of cement or the glass run and add a casino. Office building with like 3 slot machines. With the FPS you have to get rid of something for something better to be added
  5. its wooter


    It’s so easy. Just get kills on warzone
  6. its wooter


    never bought one. I would assume there a lot
  7. its wooter


  8. its wooter


    dude, i would sell 10 waypoints for 30k because there that easy to get.. id sell a RPG afro like 150k
  9. its wooter


    lmao lolol
  10. its wooter


    lmao i know. Just trying to help em lmao
  11. its wooter


    FYI most of that stuff is too much. Like I would sell you a RPG for like 400k because there easy to get. MX tasers are really not worth 200k. Also way to easy to get. ONE RPG rocket it not 200k. More like 100k. And a Armed Quilin goes for more than 5 mill
  12. not for me lmao
  13. evan your funny
  14. Then they need to grow some balls. i’m at negative and I really don’t care
  15. Not boring if your winning
  16. RPGs are really easy to get. Just kill kids
  17. Where’s the bank
  18. Vigi weapons are over powered. So retards camp rebel outpost to get gangs. all the weapons are a 2 tap
  19. Prowlers
  20. No its not, wait maybe it is
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