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About (BurBan)TOAD

  • Birthday 03/31/1993

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  1. Not being toxic, i was requesting some clarification from a admin basically, but now i just get to play with my go pro and submit. Have fun kids just waiting on Hades to answer my question. I wont post on this 1 again lol.
  2. This is honestly why i like you Hades, but i dont like reporting APD, i dont know why. I really dont like reporting anyone unless its blantant..... But i guess ill have to do whats needed. Thanks for the feedback Hades Also i would like to apologize to APD, I dont mean everyone. Im just tired of ridiculous encounters. Hades also, what is the deal with the hostage i mean is the hostages life not worth anything? I mean can cops gives some ridiculous counter offers? Like instead of someone released out of their custody i was offered a hat or their pants, then they said it failed which in return got the hostage killed.
  3. You dont get it...... Seriously, Last i checked APD which i am a part of, were supposed to Search, then Seize, Then read Charges, Then 2 ticket (except breaking rules/ Serial Killer) Then send to jail. HOW HARD IS IT!? id be happy if i even got read my charges..... LIKE SERIOUSLY... But whatever its 6am have a great day night,
  4. First off i went to turn myself in and no cops would show up, so i took a hostage to force cops to show up then all this happens, and i never said anything about a go pro so your useless ass comments are great. Also i wasnt recording but damn gottem coach. So anyway lets keep this APD doesnt rp shit up and maybe just maybe someone else will get tired of it and they might say something too. I know im not the only person that feels the serial killer rule killed rp, the rp that "was" there. So turning myself in turned into stop bitching everytime you get caught? LOL I WENT TO TURN MYSELF IN LOLZ!!!!! I like how other people can say something and they get useful feedback. Like McDilli has constructive statements. But all Grandma Gary wants to do is talk shit, when all i came here for was to make a point. Also i have heard it many times, hes worth 25k im chasing him, but then i see a guy for 800k fuck the guy for 25k lets get the 800k. LOL its a joke seriously.....
  5. you must mean 7
  6. I still think the whole situation was fail, you told me you would take 3 charges off my 1.3mill bounty... Then you asked me to let you outside where you had a deputy shoot at me, he missed several shots adn i closed the door, then ran upstairs and shot the hostage. Then you decide to break my doors down. The officer that sent me to jail, said your a serial killer and you will be sent straight to jail. (all RP said by Cop) Seems Laughable right GG? Seems Hostages have no worth, because this is the second "failed" negotiation where i have gotten to kill said hostage. Whats the point of taking a hostage when all you do in the end is kill them anyway. Where is the fun and rp like i used to get with McDilli like holy shit. (Was going to say some more shit that was probually going to end up getting me in trouble so, deciding to keep mouth shut.... Game Over) Not to mention when Devil did our situation we asked for 500 spikes, he gave us 200, we allowed him to process the 2.7 mill bounty hostage and then, Stealth goes back for another mohawk load and they all fire on him and arrest him for his 1mill bounty..... LIKE WOW. Best situation ever, even had cops message us telling us it was a bs situation. Not to mention we had the situation going on at the AAC and Devil had cops spawn in there.... and then says well these cops werent at the siuation so, its a new engagement? WTF!
  7. and this shit continues, good job on the serious comment.... Best Mod ever answering questions.
  8. COPS ARE SHIT AT THE HOSTAGE SITUATIONS..... End of that story.... Next is, On Serial Killer is all the rp literally your a serial killer goto jail bye? Is that how its supposed to be done? I mean dont read any charges or what? A serious question. An APD member, the highest available rank online, must become a negotiator and a text sent to the Hostage takers stating his name and intentions Once done this APD member will be the one to speak with the hostage taker(s) for negotiation purposes. If this negotiator enters an area to speak with the Hostage takers he/she may not be shot because negotiations have not been met. The negotiator entering the area must enter unarmed The negotiator can not be taken as a new hostage nor may they be robbed or killed. The negotiator may relay details to fellow APD members such as player locations, how many, ect. During a hostage situation the negotiator may not restrain the hostage takers as they are there solely for negotiations Also, so if you are in the house and you open the door to let the negotiator out adn a deputy on the other side starts shooting at you and you close the door adn you, the negotator, and the hostage are locked inside, you are still not allowed to shoot the negotiator? Seems legit....
  9. I aint mad at any of yalls posts, just think most of this is laughable also.
  10. AMEN!!!!!!!!!! also it only allows for 1 person to be escorted at a time now instead of like 7 man escort. GOOD JOB POSEIDON I LOVE YOU!!!!!! JUST SAYING!!!!
  11. Hmmmmmmmm Sounds like someone that "uses" escortees as meat shields just saying.
  12. Im just tryna figure out whos gettin the perm ban lol
  13. If only you had read the rest of the posts youd understand how thing will be done.
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