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About Wobbles

  • Birthday 03/31/2001

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. dood, soccer is awezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  2. hmm thats a good strategy I usually go for the keep fighting till they catch me then turn go pro on they tend to fuck up, ez pardon tickets.
  3. Good Kavala Scattin Houses Good Meth Houses Moonshine, Mooshierooms etc. You know the drill post offers below. With pictures. Cartel Houses / Garages
  4. I didnt steal mine from Principal but a Substitute
  5. bump
  6. Ahahah..
  7. For me I just get the login and password subs use lmao..
  8. I never claimed to be relevant... lmao your talking about relevancy in a community dude. Get over yourself bud. Step down from that stool and come back to reality kid..
  9. Obviously basic math is needed. Adding, Subtracting, Dividing, Multiplying. But not y=mx+b, log arithms, fuckin f(x)= Yes it is my son...
  10. Listen, if the bom blows and the APD gives them time to land a blackfish and load up. They dont deserve to blow it down. There just mad because they fucking lose feds, try to clutch when were transporting in a blackfish. Thats how it should be, you have a lot of time to turn the tide of the fed. You dont turn it in the time you have you dont deserve to win. Simple.
  11. Fuck math, fuck science, Id rather learn what I need to succeed in life. Business, Payments, Loans, Mortages, all the in and outs and not log arthims...
  12. Bump
  13. You're 11
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