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k xd

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  1. k xd

    Cop guns

    i added you but you denied my names mango pod
  2. blackfish windsheild is nerfed to poo I took 1 7.62 and died
  3. k xd

    Cop guns

    ILL TAKE A MK1 imma be leaving for the weekend in an hour so if your on i can get it now
  4. k xd

    Cop guns

    200k ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  5. k xd

    Cop guns

    how much for the spar 16 and mk1's tasers
  6. 1k meth
  7. k xd

    WTB mxm taser

    alright baby message me in game my name is fat bitches only boys
  8. k xd

    WTB mxm taser

    mxm taser anYONE SELLING
  9. maybe not 800 but they should be able to get a name for like 16km out tbh
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