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Fearless ;)

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Everything posted by Fearless ;)

  1. That sounds pretty fucking GAY
  2. It's server 2 and starting the bid at 2.5 mil for both And each house goes up to 800 storage
  3. Starting the bid at 2.5mil, DO i hear 3mil?
  4. SOLD
  5. Im selling my self price starts at 1mil
  6. I Bet no one will give me 10milI Bet no one will give me 10milI Bet no one will give me 10milI Bet no one will give me 10milI Bet no one will give me 10mil
  7. Its not my dad lol i was the one that bought it
  8. The hackers are probably kids that got perm'ed. When will the roll back happen and how far will it roll back?
  9. Well thats turn but there are staff for a reason They act like its that hard to take money, WP's and stuff that was bought with it.
  10. Do you think there should be a roll back YES OR NO
  11. I have a suggestion DONT roll back the server and just take the time and take the hack money and items. THis Roll back Will might make people quit. Just take the time to save the server not destroy it. This roll back will make the hacker want to hack more. There has to be another way. Also all this time we you guys are trying to roll back the gear you could be taking away the hack money. IF the roll back does happen i will have no money instead of my 175mil that i got form betting people that had legit money.
  12. Yes this is one of the worst ways to fix it.
  13. All of the people that I won bets form were friend and I checked their stats to make sure that it wasn't hack. Log could prove it.
  14. Could I make a request to get my money back because I made 175mil in bets in the last two days. All legit you guys can check my logs. I will be so made if I lose it all because I been so lucky lately with bets
  15. You guys should just go and remove the hacked cash and thing's that were bought with it. Doing a roll back is going to make lots of people mad like my self because I mad alot of money legit money in the past 2days.
  16. I will take it
  17. 2mil
  18. https://plays.tv/s/M5xXll-Xcn2v
  19. Get a VPN
  20. hell ya just a lot of back touchy
  21. Smoke that good shit everyday
  22. https://plays.tv/s/M5rhUtnhBy0Q
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