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Everything posted by Larkerz

  1. I'm doing a run to make money, not to sit there and do nothing. I shouldn't have to not process in order to see a car otherwise I wouldn't be there
  2. Watched liriks RP videos on Asylum and was like hey, this look purty neet. Got the game and wanted to play BR first so I got all the mods and did, then it died super quick after. Wanted to play RP so I joined a server, Olympus in 2017, First time I spawned, I was stuck in a wall and didn't know how to respawn, so I left and that was the last time I played Arma in a long time. A year went by or so and I was like I wanna try that RP shit out again. I went on the server list and joined the one on the top, Asylum. Was pretty neat but got annoyed when I had asked how to get a car near the car dealership and the next instant im sitting in jail for 10 minutes. I quit. I logged in a week later and went to a run near Sofia. I met a couple dudes and made a group and when we got there cops showed up and they thought I was associated with the cops so they dropped me. I ran away from the field bc they left me there for dead. I ran to a garage and did the run solo but some random showed up and put me in jail. I quit again bc it was super devestating. I ended up on Olympus again the next time I played because I didn't know the servers that I played on I found out I can respawn in the esc screen. I respawned in kav and bought a quad bike and got it stolen while waiting for a friend to join. We only did copper runs to buy a HEMMT Box and a Tempest Device because I found out I could mine with it. We filled the HEMMT and the Tempest and only completed 1 run before getting robbed and getting them both chopped. I respawned in Pyrgos where I met these 2 11 year old vigis, they taught me how to rob and initiate properly, though they made me kill someone in restraints which I didn't know was against the rules but I never got banned for it. I started robbing a whole bunch of gas stations and I made money but went to jail every time. I Made a gang KRT really early off then joined Malevolent then left when they got really inactive then I made KRT again then left KRT and joined Evict for less than 12 hours then left and made KRT again then merged with a gang called CK and made my gang that i'm in now, CKK and here we are.
  3. Im on s3 if you can grab it and geton here. In a situation rn
  4. Qilin was also removed to increase Ifrit pushes.
  5. retarded retarded. Then you also have the ones where all you said was "stfu" and "Why should I?" I'm telling you how to improve your post and make it so admins may actually agree with you, and i'm not the only one telling you this.
  6. Everything you have said was retarded. If you want something added back you should probably elaborate more on why you want it added back in the initial post.
  7. Chalkeia A.K.A DP 22 garage Offers below
  8. Kalithea Garage S3. Post offers below
  9. Hello, I was recently fucking with my parameters and .cfg file to try and get better frames in-game. I fucked something up and now my texures will randomly change colors. Just recently, all the ghillies turned white and all the houses turned into a blue tint. Before that, All the trees turned white. When I went close to the tree it would turn back into its normal texture color until I went farther away from it. Anyone know what could cause this?
  10. If people care enough about improving or whatever it may be, they will read it. If you don’t care you won’t. I read it just cause I have nothing better to do.
  11. I will always use Discord for my gang or for random voice calls that I get into. Don't like TS layout. I prefer TS for large communities like this. Discord for a small group of friends or something that wouldn't be considered 'professional'.
  12. AMD Relive is what I use. Could just be my PC, which it probably is, but my game audio is unsynced with the video and my voice audio is just fine. I used to use plays.tv which worked perfectly, but I couldn't record how long I wanted to on there so I switched.
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