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Everything posted by Icy

  1. Icy


    hey according to @communistjosh you’re living proof of #YORT
  2. Icy


    don’t script and you’ll be fine. ya durn hacker.
  3. Icy

    True Story

    where’s the goat
  4. maybe you were lagging. maybe the deputy was hacking. probably the latter. the world will never know.
  5. so you downvote me on a post i didn't downvote out of respect for you... ok ;( edit: i even removed all 5 of my petty af downvotes because i'm feeling generous.
  6. Icy

    Do Not

    why is this thread still active
  7. work for ur rep and shitpo- i mean be active like the rest of us
  8. so i'm 4 good to know was just being a meme
  9. change. while inevitable, change is unacceptable. also it's a migration that would take time and i think TS3 works just fine for olympus.
  10. this is a really eye-opening experience. would you like to talk about it on the Olympus News Podcast? you'll follow up the story about tyrone's ban typo (because everyone cares about that.) @Ignis
  11. Icy

    Do Not

    when u get unblacklisted i have a quizlet if u want to study honestly 1m for quizlet password
  12. Icy

    Do Not

    going from not knowing your first weapon to reciting the handbook word for word is a little suspicious. just saying.
  13. i mean this was just the result of me considering how we could piss off vigis to the point they just stop being vigis, it was a longshot. ultimately, it didn’t work
  14. Now, before I say this, I ask you all keep an open mind before downvoting and/or shitposting. I've been considering this post for a while now, and trying to see the pros and cons to this idea, and I feel like I've thought it out enough to finally post this. Enter the APD Department of Corrections, open to PO+ by application, requiring them to stay in/around Pyrgos at all times unless a federal event occurs. The jail on Olympus is boring. Allowing people to sit in jail without interaction is boring. Picking contraband is boring. Introducing a Corrections Officer system into the APD would foster roleplay in the Jail, it would bolster security and provide an early warning for an already BEYOND civ-stacked event, and it would make going to jail more bearable, as long as the officers aren't toxic. No, this couldn't be a stacked group... it's literally a PO whitelist with access to the jail. PROS CONS Keep an open mind, and feel free to send feedback!
  15. it would’ve been better if you used an explosive charge
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