Man, my boy headless, was a PO before half the SAPD, he was a Po for years and years and years and has been cucked for too long. I request that @Headless receive the esteemed title of Chief of Police. This is only fitting for the hours my bruda has. He had the 14 leadership traits the UNITED STATES MARINE CORP looks for in their leaders. He has justice, judgment, dependability, initiative, decisiveness, tact, integrity, enthusiasm, bearing, unselfishness, courage, knowledge, loyalty, and ENDURANCE. He is the god damn Jesus reincarnate when it comes to APD. His experience is outstanding. He is the BOMOS Island chief of police, and I have seen him slay infidels along with dep chief of bomos island @CocoisDead. He and my other police force for my private island ( @Venomm @Monks) are the most outstanding police officers I have ever seen. - Prezident Mudiwa Matumbo, of the Bomos Republic
<--- BOMOS ISLAND police department
all memes aside tho, give bro a chance at staff Sgt , he has hella hours and is a admin.
(picture of @Headless serving as chief of police for Bomos Island)
(Monks after sending me straight to jail for a 99k bounty)