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Everything posted by SummeDummkopf

  1. Free shit? Sign me up.
  2. Very peculiar indeed.
  3. I'm looking to buy tasers, preferably stings. Willing to pay above average.
  4. 300k
  5. I'll buy all 3 chief
  6. 700k How about 700k for the ADR Tazer and 250k for an MX?
  7. 3.5
  8. 700k For Everything
  9. https://imgur.com/moI6G8K Can someone tell me what is off?
  10. Was messing around with the gang and this happened
  11. On my first day of EMT I made roughly over 1 million that was for around 5 hours. The second day made about 500k, since then never seen that much anymore. The server kind of died down, the first-day people were dying left and right, I was also one of the only two medics on so. It really depends on server pop and how many meds are online, also the rate of people are dying. If you are lucky you can make bank over a few days. Just put in the work and you will make money.
  12. 1.) They have to specify which man/which group 2.) You are allowed to take a risk if no immediate threat is present to revive someone
  13. I am thinking about Ivory. Why the Siberian fur is usually white and Ivory is a synonym for white. That is all I got, not a very creative person.
  14. Thanks, *mwah*
  15. So I have been playing for a bit and have seen people put their hand up like saying hi. I don't know how to do this and I am wondering if anyone could tell me I can possibly reward you with some cash ingame.
  16. I am personally hyped for the new AKs and armor that they are adding. Also if they do add aliens that would be cool too, but I don't care either way if there is any or not. What about y'all?
  17. Nein, ich bin schottisch, aber ich lebe in den USA
  18. I don't have the power to accept/send them, if I could I would accept them. Thanks!
  19. Yes, it is my native and only language.
  20. Hello, I am Summe Dummkopf (German for total idiot) a lot of people just call me Summer, either or is fine. I have wasted 2.2k hours of my life on Arma 3 alone, 73 of it on Olympus servers. As of right now, I am in the gang: The Colored Heroes. But I am always looking for people to play with, so that is pretty much me.
  21. Ok, I bought one from a dude and I am pretty sure I got ripped off big time.
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