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About revirst

  • Birthday 11/06/2001

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  1. Yeah i kinda dont play civ as much as I would like. Gonna let someone use it to its potential
  2. Offer starts at 5 mil, bid away.
  3. love you scribble o7
  4. revirst

    [WTS] T5 Vest

  5. I haven't had any crazy experiences with weed, but I've dropped acid a few times and I must say it was life changing
  6. The best I can do is 100k and 4 unprocessed cocaine
  7. Does anyone know how to make the heli's replicate the certain tiers of maneuverability (t1-4) in the eden editor?
  8. Send a screenshot with offering price please, thankyou
  9. if no one else brings it up @xSmokex got it
  10. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/959731270407405791/7B0D7B65DB4FDBA381D661DEBA08B80694619564/
  11. ill hop on and take on gimme a sec
  12. offers
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