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The B.

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About The B.

  • Birthday 01/26/1995

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. APD should change its name to MCPD

    1. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      If other people don't want to play APD, then how is it our fault that our members enjoy playing APD.

    2. Fastik


      If i Recall people left the apd because you became sgt.. Jussssssss saying #MCPD

    3. SPBojo


      #MCPD actually sounds fitting. i like it.

  2. i think there needs to be a button so you can confirm you want to sell a vehicle i accidentally miss clicked and sold an upgraded mohawk for 400k the bitch cost me near a million :( Peak times

    1. Brennan


      It was rejected in the trello for a reason I couldn't tell you. Sorry :(

    2. Warfare


      it was rejected because Poseidon felt it wasn't needed.

    3. The B.

      The B.

      thats just dumb loads of people miss click and sell shit BS that its not there

  3. why does Thomas always make the funniest videos? every time i watch them i end up in stitch's

  4. just watched Thomas's PDW vs Virus video his commentary had me in stiches

    1. SPBojo
    2. Thomas


      Sorry if I blew out your ear drums. I never killed him and I felt like I just hit the lotto. RIP Virus

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