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Everything posted by Williams_254

  1. not even 23-25 more like 20 gl lol
  2. aight cool hmu tmr on server 2 Williams [BPM]
  3. 9 mil suppressor - 75k 5.56 suppressors - 400k 6.5 suppressors - 700k 50. cal BW mags - 250k 2x Stones - 20k each And a DMS - 3 mil
  4. I don't know if I'd trust this guy I just saw a shit ton of people going off on side chat about how he scammed them of an AT offroad so that's a fat rip.
  5. 600k
  6. I'll be on tomorrow so msg me I'll be on server 2 [LCA] Williams
  7. aight what server u on rn
  8. the warpoint value is 750k but thats a lot so how about we go down to 650k?
  9. ok, how much for 1
  10. How much for the 6.5 suppressor and do u have a 6.5 stealth suppressor as well?
  12. Will not accept low balls. SOLD!
  13. Sorry, bit late but no it did not sell when would you like it, and I'm on server 2.
  14. Alright come to server 2 and msg LCA Williams
  15. I'll take 350k don't want a free vigi pass bc I don't go to Kaval UwU. Also i'll sell it to you tomorrow and i'm not going lower than 350
  16. It's worth 450k but ill do 400k deal?
  17. Make offers
  18. WTB = Want To Buy XD
  19. Got a DMS? if not ill buy both of those within the next day or so.
  20. WTB 7.62 suppressor 6.5 suppressor 6.5 stealth suppressor Make offers
  21. Lol I landed on my house and that happened but it was upside down inside my house so I didn't touch it bc I didn't want it to blow up. That also happened at the church in Pygros bc I landed on top of it once again it was upside down lmao.
  22. LMAO was this landed on the roof and that happened after restart?
  23. ok ill be on in about 15 min msg me @[LCA] Williams
  24. aight what server you play on?
  25. 200k for mxm?
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