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Everything posted by Williams_254

  1. Is this what Kavala does to you?
  2. It's ok I don't know you either
  3. @Claysive I don't know sorry i'm sped. That's not why I said that you told me you hated everyone that's why I said it lmao.
  4. I'll be there
  5. Well, it's been fun I haven't played in about a month now so I think it's time. I might come back and play a little bit. And i'll be active on forums. I have a lot of people to @ sorry if I miss anyone. o7 @your name - My best bud, it was always fun laughing and playing Olympus with you we had a lot of fun. Especially making memes out of people and laughing at them. Good luck with your baby! We'll stay in contact though. @FBI Agent Phil - It was fun playing with you and Sean we had fun talking and chillin' on Medic. @breezygod - I've known you since the beginning, you got me into Olympus and that's where this all started. We go back the farthest brother and this isn't the end. @BasicTheArmaPlayer - We go way back man I miss playing with you and killing retards that can't aim it was fun. @Blueangelman36 - Honestly I'd hop on again to fly around with you that was fun. We gotta fly formation at least 1 more time. @Richard - Thank you for always hating me love you too. Also changed the background color so you can actually read this. @Clay - It was always fun playing Civ with you guys in BPM and Titaning people i'm gonna miss that. @Mike Lit - Have fun future Coord, still waiting on your sisters snap btw. @Fusionz - Keep betting my friend, Also get a job your mom can't buy you pizza forever @Grego - Had a lot of fun making fun of SAPD with you even though your a retard keep it up though. @Daniel:^) - I miss the good old days in Monolith back in the grinding days @Mita - Lemme know when you've dated everyone on the server it's gotta be coming up here pretty soon. @ChrisGG - Thanks for the 1 year Blacklist it's been great and 100% worth it. @Walrito - Your memes are pretty funny and so is your Anti -SAPD discord server with all those memes too. @FrankieTwinkletoes - Sorry again for making you cry. @Bunny - Why are furry's a thing? Also you are the straightest person I know. @rabid - I'm sorry if I missed anyone o7
  6. Try it and find out
  7. How tf did they find out lmao
  8. o7 I really only talked to you when you did my Adv. Test but you made it fun cya bro.
  9. You'd go broke pretty fast without us
  10. Aren't you on a 12d right now for stealing a medic vehicle?
  11. Promotions on Saturdays Top 5 on Sundays
  12. Altis is a real island in Greece just go to google maps and find the island you can look at all the same cities IRL.
  13. And he got blacklisted for FREE
  14. Williams_254


    o7 good sir
  15. No, but I wasn't even near there I was on the opposite side and way farther.
  16. Thanks
  17. it took 10 min lmao
  18. Wierd Stuff starts happening when you get too far away. // Your heli starts disappearing and spawning rockets on the side for a split second. https://gyazo.com/c1fe770dbe3acd6daedc1a73038c351a https://gyazo.com/fdf8f2ed749f3b3566874e9299ca9875 https://gyazo.com/d16c48c39ae9fec8001322afef01caaa
  19. Yes 100%
  20. Thanks @Zahzi
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