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Everything posted by Clashingtin

  1. Hey @ Xlax


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CaloomClark


      Wait. This wasn’t a picture?? I’ve tried loading this like 3 times thinking my wifi was shit you pricks

    3. Lucien
    4. Xlax
  2. where did this hairline thing even come from
  3. woah calling me a retard is uncalled for I had lots of money in the past week but I invest it into the casino because I dont need money on cop
  4. why would I join a support channel with 30 people who are just gonna talk over me when I explain it to them
  5. Weren’t you crying for unban
  6. Kinda crazy how heated you guys get over arma making forums post.
  7. You’ve never robbed me of 5 tasers it was 2 mk1 tasers and a shotgun You also said you chopped 4 of my hunters when I only pulled 1
  8. Congrats! Just because it was accepted doesn’t mean any rules were broken!
  9. Might as well bravo LT @ monster  better then some 

  10. Thank you @ CaloomClark  for being such a good leader!

    1. CaloomClark



  11. Keep the faction but they all need to be retrained because each of them has a combined brain cell of like 10
  12. best video ive seen in a long time glad I watched the whole thing
  13. make it so you can unlock your hex icons on cop and not civ only

    1. Toretto


      These goddamn career cops just complain about everything 🙄

  14. happy birthday to my retired LT @ jig  I have just hit double green in your name!

  15. Congrats @ Kyle

    1. Boovin


      Congrats with not getting promoted buddy 👍 keep it up 😎

    2. Clashingtin


      Thank you @ Boovin  I will not be doing my best!

  16. @Developer you know who you are... Who ever added this fuck you


    1. -dante-
    2. Rexo


      Damn it @ Milo from breaking everything to this! When will it end!

  17. Very unrealistc video none of this is in olympus
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