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Corporal Moob

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Corporal Moob

  1. No can do. Born a keyboard warrior. Will die a keyboard warrior.
  2. Well, You're fucked Dili. Your days of the lone Patrol Officer Snipers are over!
  3. So the ''Ground unit'' rule, meaning that they must physically have a ground vehicle rather than drop off 1 person and use that as a ground unit?
  4. Err... Never at any point did I refer to the cops being ''OP'' I just said at the top, at this point having the Ghosthawk flying around all the time, and the use of force from it was a little questionable. What's the point in a 2 hour long fight at Rebel, You've exhausted a lot of resources in the fight, finish a wave and you're able to leave, *Phew* cops are off our tail. head to another rebel, you're there for 2 minutes and another 2 hour fight. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the fights, but I can't go anywhere near towns or talk to people, have a little RP with some people other than the cop that's standing infront of you while you're cuffed, which of course I'd be doing in a ground vehicle since I'm in town.. and I'll go nowhere without being exterminated by 4000 rounds of 6.5mm Justice. Like I said, This is not a flame thread. Just a few of mine and a few others opinions. and a conversation with Virus to see his reason behind his use of the Ghosthawk, who in my eyes, is the person I'm referring to with the point of this (Who knows, I ain't seen Gucci yet)
  5. Invalid argument: You didn't get me or my Fiddy. 4: point, the Titan was actually fired from inside the Rebel, yes, I was at some points 200m from the actual red, but that's why the appropriate texts were sent from the Fiddy. but if you were coming to engage the group, which there was a group of us, 5 inside the compound, 3 out, Shouldn't you have brought a ground unit anyways? since you were fighting in AND out of red? with the same group based mainly about the rebel? Added point 5: Got the .50 to Safety and made my great escape in a submarine from the boat Shop. Action movie worthy.
  6. Correct, but at that point .50 Cals weren't a dam thing to pull out, whereas now, pretty sure the Ghosthawk has only run into a .50 with me, sure it's run into Titans, but If I'm not wrong in saying, either the Titans, or the choppers are bugged. because Titan's do little in terms of real damage to a ghosthawk, well, at least to any one who can fly it, and as far as I'm aware, everybody who has the ability to pull a Ghosthawk, is a pretty dam good pilot. Also, If you remember well McDili, we VERY RARELY assaulted rebel, I think with us, we assaulted rebel maybe 4 times in about 4 weeks. of course at this point the wipe happened. Not only that, we patrolled in it not very often at all. generally because we were in it for about 5 minutes, then Boom hostage situation and you had to go deal with that, I enjoyed being in your left gun, generally because I didn't feel that it was being overused either, Choppers were generally the only form of transport then, whereas now, it's rare to see a chopper at prime time. Titans and expensive choppers and insurance have already secured that. Don't get me wrong I think they're both USEFUL and NECESSARY for the APD, but like I said. I watched some poor poor bastard get lethal hell rained on top of him simply because he trying to evade a ghosthawk unarmed in an offroad. Overuse can be a problem. probably who knows, maybe with the introduction of the 2 new Sergeants, it's more commonplace since they're new and it's the ''Ooooh aaah'' look at my shiny new Ghosthawk effect. Maybe soon that'll wear off. pretty sure if you're referring to the altercation we had at Pyrgos rebel, you guy's didn't even have a ground unit, so maybe instead of piling everyone into the ghosthawk bring more people via the ground than just the one usual P.O. or Deputy dropped 800 Meters out, I mean, I would've been an easy snipe for anyone that was on the ground.
  7. Ghosthawk Patrol - Ghosthawk patrols are conducted by Sergeants or higher. These patrols are utilized for a heavy APD response to large gang actions or high risk rebel activity. So, in the last 8 hours of my game time, I've fought against the Ghosthawk 3 times. watched it gun down an unarmed man in an offroad, and pull over SUV's with unarmed men in them. Patrol each rebel outpost like it's a normal Redzone. Watch it get pulled out at 6pm GMT, get's put away at 5:30am GMT. Bit over the top if anyone else agrees?
  8. Would like to see it back, It was nice because when there was concerns raised in it, the admins would actually respond and would pay attention to it.
  9. PEOPLE CAN'T UNDERSTAND. It's NOT hard to kill him, it's just annoying having to stop what you're doing to go and shoot him at each of his fucking houses EVERYTIME.
  10. So, You're uploading the video of you trolling being an asshole. Like not even a Reasonable asshole, just a ''Fuck this guy, why do I even bother'' asshole. clearly they don't know either, everytime you spawn in that frog house and I just instantaneously wallbang you.
  11. I love you Dingle Pooper, You ALWAYS have a guaranteed place in our gang if you would ever be without one. you are a true Kavala Scrub lord.
  12. Lock this topic. I refute accusations of exploiting. Especially on the forums.
  13. Might or might not've had something done with the Gif's armend. >.>
  14. There's nothing funnier than seeing someone run round a corner as a freshspawn and hearing a FULL clip being emptied.. That's when you know some poor bastard is getting it.. hahahaha
  15. Listen, It's not RDM if it's funny.
  16. Toughest choice I've ever had to make..
  17. Waiting to see "Olympus Staff" with $74m in their funds tomorrow. 10/10 will spawn in dat money.
  18. We'll give you that one Snake, but I will say, I look forward to the time our groups cross paths and I'm actually online for.. last one I was caught sleeping. At least this time you could credit us for something and I don't have to sigh and type an unnecessary hateful response. +1 Snake.
  19. Really looking forward to being a Kavala scrub again! Can't wait. I'd just like to take this final opprtunity before it happens, to say thanks to the admins, Poseidon, and all the people who made this possible, This has been fantastic, 2,435 hours on Arma well spent. Thanks Olympus Staff :D

  20. oh he deleted his post because people liked my 'Fagroy' comment xD
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