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Corporal Moob

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Corporal Moob

  1. But Yes, Welcome to our wonderful abode Shelby, And welcome to our group too!
  2. I say we legitimately lost, but there was some weird shit that went down on your side in fairness, It's 2 v 1, Fugi + Adi vs Natty, Fucking medic revives Conner, Fugi has to shoot Conner, gives away his position, he pays for it with his life, THEN it's 1 v 1 Adi v Natty.. Tense in our TeamSpeak, Then boom. One of your guy's chopper fly's right over, Intentional or not, It could Ping our man's location on map. whereas we all sat at rebel 22km away. Knowing not to even go near going back. Final Note, Didn't notice it until afterwards and we put 2 + 2 together.. Why was your Huron still parked in the middle in the fortified position? That can only mean 1 of 2 things, 1. You never left the fortified position and just spread out on foot. 2. You flew people north and used the huron to fly people back to the middle. Whereas the pre-set rules stated you were both fly to the opposite sides of the Island. You north, us south.
  3. Shooting through a door is completely legitimate >.> of course Bullets > Flimsy wooden door. Simple Physics.
  4. Number 1 Topic. Will Corporal_Moob ever run out of grenades?
  5. Worst thing is, I knew exactly what that link was, Still clicked it. Still disgusted. Don't even give a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
  6. Number 1 suspect.. Armend or his Altar Ego "Pete Malloy"
  7. I don't give a fuuuuuuuuuuuuu... It's still the same fun shit. Wouldn't mind being a Kavala Scrub occasionally.. Nostalgic.
  8. Here's the thing, The handbook questions are easy. Total easy simple stuff. If you fail on that, In my opinion, quite frankly you don't deserve to be a cop. there's more rules to the APD that aren't in the Handbook and come later on, but all the questions you are asked in the Deputy test are simple, it's a simple competency marker, if you don't end up above that marker, you are not at that point competent enough to be a cop. Go read it. Simple.
  9. Yeah, Poker was a hacker, Simple. I mean I played against him on many occasions. most of the time he was just a Kavala RDM'ing scrub, and he was pretty bad at it even then. Now he 1 v 6'ing cops, 1 v 8's of us at rebel, Good shit Wheatkings!
  10. I'm starting to get the heart breaking feeling that Homie Quan may be Rich suburban White kid. Which is disappointing, he was one of my favourite BurBan simply because of his Forum posts. Dayum..
  11. Oh boy, If only this was Counter-Strike so I could break out the old "Bites De_Dust" joke..
  12. As the people of Server 2 know very well, let me give my opinion on BurBan like I do on Side chat.. "ARRR...GGGG..GGG..HH.HHH" Plus.. They're recruiting measures throw me off a bit.. I mean, I'm pretty sure let Chief Greybeard in for playing a "Smoke weed everyday" Soundboard.. lolwut?
  13. Well, Somebody who is a perfect example of this is someone we all know and love dearly.. Mr McDili.. Not BurBan, Not a huge Donator, simply because, 1. He know's most of the rules, (I say most because there are still times when I have to go to higher-ups to clarify something and I get conflicting answers) not that it's a bad thing, as I think there's a fuck load of rules (Again, NOT a bad thing) 2. His RP kicks ass, This is an RP community after all.. Right? I had 6500 minutes before I went and asked for my P.O. Test (Never got offered), I hear people complaining about having 1500/2000 minutes complaining (When these kids themselves couldn't RP themselves). To sum it up, if you have 100,000 minutes on cop, but your RP sucks ass, then what's the point? The higher-up you are, the more you are expected to RP, what's the point in having a guy in a commanding role over people who are honour-bound to RP, who can't RP themselves. I remember torturing McDili in Kavala Square when he was a lowly cadet, but he still RP'ed, it everytime, no matter how many times I killed him with a rook. 3. Dedication, You've gotta be that guy who's willing to hop into a room with 3 fresh-outta-training cadets when you're constantly being RDM'ed in Kavala, having the same question "can I get charges added???" every 7 seconds, now I know I said what I said in the point above, but Dedication and RP would go hand in hand, I've got 11,000 minutes as cop now, but it still feels pretty new, I admit, there's still 1 or 2 rules that occasionally tickle my ole' rememberin factory, so pliz, don't complain when you haven't been offered your P.O. test in 3 days, (Not to mention McDili has just over 20,000 cop minutes the sweaty bastard) 4. APD Bullshit Gossip, McDili doesn't gossip about anybody. even if somebody starts off a bad sentence about somebody, McDili always finishes it with something nice, If you're going to bitch about people's promotions/demotions/black/whitelists keep it to yourself, or your close friends, otherwise if you just go blabbing it to every Savage, McDili, Paperbot (Tom, Dick and Harry) you sound like a bitch, who quite frankly cares TOO much about something that's here for your entertainment. 5. Playing with higher-ups, this goes hand in hand with the point above, just because you see someone playing with a higher up, don't assume they're sucking up to them to get promoted, I've been playing with McDili since I started cop, and nothing has changed since he got Sergeant, minus the fact that I no longer need to carry 27 MXC mags to pointlessly try and shoot down an Orca/Mohawk. How else do the higher-ups know you are progressing the way you should be? Can't be everywhere. 6. Final but most important point, Be skurred of Snake, it serves you better than being a dick. Figured that out. But this post sums up in my opinion the main sort of points to rise through the ranks as quickly and as effectively as possible, or what seems to make sense to me anyways. fuck this is far more typing that I planned on doing.. ..Moob out!
  14. Always keep that chin up you scatman :'( you know I'll do what I can for ya.
  15. Ask HamofMoose about his experience in a ghosthawk versus a group of terror-packing, .50 cal toting rebels at the sofia outpost.. one more wave I said I'd stay, but everytime the ghosthawk dropped from the sky, "Ah well, suppose I can do another wave"
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