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Pimp Stickerino

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  1. ain't the first time this has happen
  2. believe LIG or LIC or whoever they are had a plat gang shed on s1
  3. whatever you want to pay
  4. oh yea great
  5. thats 100% why they go because rebels typically have a bounty here and vigi are trying to arrest rebels and take their bounty so there is no problem with them going to rebels or camping them matter afact.
  6. i gotchu for 13 mill
  7. http://prntscr.com/ndeian Bidding starts at 1 million
  8. I got a garage for sale 150 meters from Yeast Field post offers down below highest bid wins it. Any questions feel free to pm me http://prntscr.com/n8w8fp
  9. oh its for the server goal? I thought it was for donors only my bad
  10. yea this i dont like because cops can make so much money already no need to throw more their way I don't like the ideas of processing faster and making more money on runs cause then it seems kinda p2w. I like the discount on guns and vehicles and what not.
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