Don't Forget The MC Rule Book!!!!
1. Never trust anybody who has no mic. But a gun.
2. If there is a group of 3 and/or more people standing by the roadway, it is only common courtesy to run them over on a Quadbike.
3. The areas behind the market / Gun store, and the alleyway beside the ATM in the square are Redzones. The ATM Alleyway can also in local slang can be referred to as ''RDM Alley''
4. Calling someone a ''Faggot'' is acceptable RP to get shot.
5. A Fedora and square spectacles are considered stylish to locals.
6. If you are standing in the square, and you see out of the corner of your eye, and man standing in his Winnie the Pooh shirt and his sandals leaning round a corner with a weapon pointed. You ARE going to be shot.
7. Smoking Marijuana in public is Acceptable.
8. If you are a fresh spawn, and you have a firearm, should you happen to run down an alleyway, and make eye contact with another armed fresh spawn, RP is engaged.
9. Grandma Gary is KOS at all times.
10. In the event of terror, the safest locations are as follows: The Office building roof, the roof of the EMS, or standing beside any cop.
11. Being a Police Officer is acceptable RP to kill them.
12. If you can steal one of many Deputy wagons on show at the square, you will be the talk of the town.
13. You are exempt from the Speeding laws if you are driving any of the following vehicles: SUV, Fuel truck, Ifrit. (Essentially anything that blows a lot of shit up)
14. A few common phrases you may wish to learn to blend in with the locals,
''I assure you officer, All these Manslaughters are in self-defense''
''I'm Recording''
''Hands up''
''Comp or Ban''
''Where are the admins?''
15. Be a dick to the Police, Anyway you can. Some examples would include, Trying to close the barrier at HQ on top of them, Jump infront of their cars. shout ''Fuck the Police'' then empty your 30 round mag into them.
16. NLR Does not apply to Kavala.
17. If there is an explosion anywhere in the city, Ignore the flames. Briefcases are ALWAYS worth it.
18. It is acceptable to RDM any vigilante.
18. It's not exploiting somebodies gear as long they don't see you do it.
19. PDW Drive bys are common place in the square.
20. If you are in a group of 5 and/or more in the square, you only have yourself to blame if you and your companions are gunned down by a Rookist.
21. The Basketball court is commonly used for the processing for the suspects of crime, if you see someone restrained being processed, You are honour bound to shoot them to save them from a lengthy jail sentence.
22. The Office building in the square offers a unique bungee jumping service! (No rope required)
23. Avoid aerial tours of the city, unless you wish to be lit up light a Christmas tree with red tracers.
24. The Local Red burger offers low quality burgers, but a high quality socialising spot on the roof.
25. Jumping in the square is a certain way to die.
26. Public indecency strangely does not exist in Kavala.
27. Keep your valuables on you at all times, Kavala has a terrible burglary problem, E.g. If you store ANYTHING of value in your crates in your home, it will be more than likely stolen from your crates before you know it.
Last, But not least (On my side of course)
28. Medics look an awful lot like cops, Shoot them just to be sure.