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About Ventar

Olympus Plus
SWAT Member

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  1. 10 mil
  2. The server isnt really about altis life anymore its basically a relaxed combat simulator, Wipe would kill the server and render it useless, These kids losing their online money and online pixels in house storage would never come back because they worked hard for it. Took over a year for the server to get better in 2016 with 60k arma players with the 20k left It just wont work
  3. 297k
  4. @Hoonter You're an actual freak lol

  5. martin ur such a fuckin scum, put that supp in my house and ill forget about how scum u are
  6. which server?
  7. i want shed how much for shed
  8. 100k
  9. when THE FUCK did pinkstink become a mod again..
  10. I played bdo and rust on my old system with 7700k and 1070.. sold that shit but I only play like 5 hours a week so i dont need something nutty
  11. ok will do, thanks
  12. Looks good tbh, I prefer to run on low settings anyways so im sure it will turn out fine.
  13. 4.5 is as far as she goes.. planned on bringing it to that, is yours 4 or 8g?
  14. Was asking about general games, rust more-so over arma
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