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Everything posted by Tman15tmb

  1. I want a cupcake now
  2. @ -dante-  bout fucking time you changed your name back to Dante haha. Just like old times

  3. Happy Bday @ Snake

    1. Snake


      hey thanks man 

    2. Tman15tmb


      Hopefully you had a few drinks haha. After 25 it's hard for me to celebrate getting older. I'm nearly 33 come December. Somehow I feel like I'm 43. Getting old sucks lol

  4. I drank like half a case in a couple days lol. It was a wood burn btw haha. My finger is still pretty bruised from dropping a large heavy crate on it though. Lucky I didn't break my finger. That reminds me.. I need to pick up another case.
  5. @ KermitZooicide  can I interest you in a GPS? It's a flash sale, buy 1 get 1 free or buy 2 get 3 free limited time only.

    *terms and conditions apply..

  6. Ah shit.. @ Milo  going to be having his revenge for all the times I made fun of him lol. I recommend boat bombs.. They are quite fun!

  7. Mistakes were made..

    Taco Bell was a poor choice.

    1. Legendary


      Taco Bell is never a poor choice. 

    2. -dante-


      and you never fail to let me know in my DMs.....

    3. Tman15tmb


      Farting was like playing a dangerous game of Russian roulette. Thankfully I didn't shit myself. 😅

  8. I wouldn't doubt it.
  9. He was. There is a video of him screaming about slashing republicans throats. The dude was obviously unhinged. I'm curious how many other nutcases there are from years of "Trump is Hitler" rhetoric spread by msm.
  10. Just another crazy Democrat that registered as a Republican in order to vote against Trump in the Primary.
  11. I think the secret service sniper was trying to send an engagement text to the shooter before taking the shot. Wouldn't want a dispute..
  12. That's funny how it "randomly" blew up even though it was just fine sitting in the area for a prolonged amount of time. I'm smell bs.
  13. Merica! Fuck yeah!! 🇺🇸

  14. I will drink all the tweas.
  15. My monitor decided to take a shit right after buying a new Xbox. This month is getting expensive.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      That's what I tell myself 😂

    3. Ajax


      who uses HDMI these days? pfft grow up real men prefer DP!

    4. Tman15tmb


      My speakers still use an audio jack. Don't judge me. I'm getting old and can't seem to keep up with technology lol

  16. MLB the Show has taken over my life. Soon to be College Football 25. So long Olympus 😂

  17. Trust no one haha. It can be both frustrating and enjoyable. What people forget is it's a game so don't get mad if you lose stuff. Also, put in the required civ hours then apply for Medic and you'll make a bunch of money and won't have to worry about getting robbed all the time. ^_^
  18. My computer is a dinosaur but I think a new xbox is priority. 😅

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grizzly


      PlayStation > Xbox

    3. Marcus


      Just stay with pc Xbox is already there

    4. Tman15tmb


      I need College Football 25 in my life

  19. Anyone else get achy legs after drinking too much? Maybe I'm just getting old. 😅

    Short people probably can't relate. haha

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. nman


      yea lactic acid, electrolyte imbalance and low quality alcohol 

    3. CaloomClark


      I often wake up with a sore back after drinking. I get blackout drunk then let a girthy man called @ Kyle come and pound my rear all night.

    4. monster


      @ CaloomClark  Kyle is of age and you're a pedophile, please stop lying.

  20. Congrats @ Doke TV . Looking forward to joining you on APD sometime 🚔

    1. Doke


      Thanks bro, let’s run it some time

  21. I found my future wife 😂


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