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Everything posted by Tman15tmb

  1. I already had a dude bleed out in front of me. I'm sure there are worse calls but I've already gotten a little taste. Never know what you're going to get.
  2. Lol, thank you.
  3. If I choose to post about my life that doesn't mean its related to my removal on staff. Grow the fuck up. I've been in the community for over two years and not once has there been a Sr. APD member that comes off like a disrespectful ass clown since the days of Snake. My post has nothing to do with Arma. If you don't feel like reading my post then don't read it. If you care to make childish remarks to other members of the community then just realize that looks bad on you sense you are in a leadership position.
  4. I have my ambulance clinical tomorrow from 12pm to 12am. Shit is becoming real! 45 hours of clinicals completed and I'm less than 2 weeks away from hopefully becoming EMT certified. Two weeks doesn't seem super long but when you still have two written finals, then an accumulative final over the whole summer, then national registry testing left to complete.. 2 weeks feels like 2 months. Hoping and praying I can get through these last couple of weeks. I need all the prayers/good vibes that I can get.
  5. Did you burn the forest down?
  6. Found a massive black widow at the entrance to my classroom building. Wtf?! (would post picture but file size is too large) I'm seriously considering moving to the North Pole..
  7. Nope, I do not care to see it either. haha
  8. I haven't smoked in 8 months. I quit to focus on EMT school and I don't plan on smoking weed until I'm old and retired. Where do you live? Have you ordered a nuclear strike to protect humanity?
  9. Pretty sure I just killed the biggest spider of my life.. He was about the size of a large Gatorade cap. Thinking about moving to the North Pole.
  10. It's not safe for him to fly after he drank half a wine cooler. Haha
  11. I chose "Tman15tmb" because the first initial in my name starts with T, my old high school baseball number was 15, TMB are my full initials. I'm a simple man and I try not to make shit complicated.
  13. I think its a great idea considering Black Water is in the middle of bum fuck nowhere.
  14. What a long fucking day..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      Why is there a random facebook link? I'm confused.

    3. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


      The implication of the Facebook link is that no one gives a fuck and you should go post it on Facebook :Kappa:

    4. Tman15tmb


      Fuck facebook. 

  15. Just passed EMS 122! Now I just have the trauma class and I need to finish clinicals and its on to national registry! Its crazy to look at where I started to where I am at now.. 

    1. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Don't know what that is But congratz!

    2. Tman15tmb


      EMS 121 was intro to pre hospital medical care. EMS 122 was medical emergencies. Now I'm on to EMS 123 which is Trauma. Trauma is the fun stuff! Nothing like a good gunshot wound or car accident to get the adrenaline pumping!

  16. After studying OB/GYN stuff for an entire week I can confirm women are most definitely aliens. 

    1. -dante-


      I didnt need to study that to confirm that ^_^ 

    2. Mercury
    3. Tman15tmb


      I've learned crap I never wanted to know.. For instance, "the amount of blood loss during a single vaginal birth compared to multiple vaginal births or a c section.

  17. Fuck studying.. -____-

    I'll be studying this whole fucking month. National registry less than a month away. Shit is getting real.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lucki


      If your class is challenging, then the national registry will be a piece of cake. The tests I got in class were way harder than anything on the national registry....

    3. theycallmepaw


      well t its not supposed to be easy they want you to b e able to think and do your training in the field automatic since life can be in your hands in any givin moment and when your tired too. so dont worry you got this just study and prepare yourself.

    4. Tman15tmb


      Luckily with my class its a little more hard core than most EMT classes. Most classes require 25 to 30 hours of clinicals. Our class averages 50 to 55 hours of clinicals. I myself have 60 hours of clinicals planned for this month. A lot of hands on situations. Even though I'm an EMT student all the fire departments I volunteer at treat me like a certified EMT. It's pretty cool! This afternoon I have another 5 hour shift in the Emergency department. Hoping it will be a fun time. Most of the time I just follow CNA's around and watch them administer IV's. Pretty boring stuff.

  18. What he is saying is that he wants to play Farming Simulator 2017.
  19. MERICA!! The freedom to make stupid decisions!

  20. During my first clinical with the local fire department I was on the scene of a GSW shortly after it happened. I was standing a foot away ready to do CPR on a guy bleeding out on the side walk and his blood was pooling next to my boot. That will be a memory I will never forget. Even if/when I do join the field of EMS that memory is going to stick with me.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      My first clinical in the ER I had to help hold a 600 pound dudes fat rolls so the nurse could get a catheter in. That was fun..

    3. Comet


      19 minutes ago, Tman15tmb said:

      My first clinical in the ER I had to help hold a 600 pound dudes fat rolls so the nurse could get a catheter in. That was fun..

      Yup do it everyday. Can I ask what your going for? 

    4. Tman15tmb


      I want to become an EMT IV - Basically an advanced EMT. It would be cool to work in the back of an ambulance or become a firefighter. I love the adrenaline rush of responding to calls. I might be hooked after that GSW I was a part of the other night. Eye opening experience for sure.

  21. So thankful I passed exam 5, especially sense all the bull shit that happened while I was trying to focus on studying. I would have murdered someone in this community if I would have failed because of stupid Olympus drama.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dangus


      OH SHIT! That's hard as fuck. Probably a tad harder than my summer chemistry

    3. Tman15tmb


      Maybe, I just hate that every test is "do or die". Less than a 70% on any test and its an automatic fail for the entire class :/

      Just have to keep grinding. One test at a time.

    4. Dangus


      That's really fucking rough. Damn.

  22. I'd be down for a server wipe. MPO. The server seems stagnant at times.
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