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Everything posted by F U L T

  1. I used to work at my mountain i was a snowboard instructor for 2 years.
  2. I'm starting my random questions up again and I'm curious to what the community does in their free time. So the question today is does anyone Ski or Snowboard? I've been snowboarding for 12 years and I'm 18. I ride on a 2018 GNU HYAK with a pair of 2020 Bent Metal Logics. I snowboard in New Jersey at a mountain called Mountain Creek. My Board setup brand new is roughly $600-$700.
  3. Very true but people come to support looking for answers and our opinions and when we tell them that we can't they say to us then whats the point of having your role and that we server no purpose then.
  4. Should us support team members be able to give opinions on situations within reason and we give a disclaimer before hand that what we say does not entitle what will happen with the situation.
  5. @MBPslyr
  6. that medic saved u love u too doe
  7. I want to enter.
  8. https://plays.tv/video/5dd613c9bb38b2d9a8/do-a-barrel-roll- Enjoy. https://plays.tv/video/5dd613e9ac7f050600/sc-is-shiet- Enjoy this too.
  9. He gave one of my members a history lesson on COB(comp or ban) in sidechat
  10. Quit being banned.
  11. well yes considering i made these.
  12. cause i like it at the top.
  13. Monitor 1: Monitor 2:
  14. Anyone having downloading issues with modern warfare.
  15. how much
  16. F U L T


  17. Get fucked lol
  18. 100k
  19. yes a bunch of shitters admits hes a vigi
  20. shade being thrown left and right tonight all over the forums
  21. @Rexo is this true
  22. He's coming for u
  23. @Rexo @DeadPool made this
  24. i dont think u understand they fixed that cause it was something that was happening now it wont.
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