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Everything posted by 555555555

  1. why not trusted tho? ure cool as far as i can tell
  2. didnt know there was one,oh wait,prolly cuz they ded
  3. First of all,asylum staff,i'm publicly,in front of everyone telling you to suck a dick. Now i dont even know why would ANYONE here listen to fucking ASYLUM STAFF ... LIKE HELLO ? they can go back to their shitty dead server,THIS IS OLYMPUS NOT ASYLUM. @Peter Long please don't pay attention to what those guys did on asylum,if they haven't hacked/scripted on OLYMPUS,fucking unban them. THIS IS OLYMPUS,NOT ASYLUM i repeat. OLYMPUS,NOT ASYLUM,over.Im not even friends with a single person that got permed because of that but its pissing me off so much that people who did dumb shit on asylum are getting permed on olympus aswell...like hello ?Im probably permed on asylum cuz i went there and spammed "EVERYONE JOIN OLYMPUS ITS BETTER THEN THIS SHIT SERVER" for like 20 minutes so i'm probably permed there for advertising other server,i dont even know,never joined back,i just left after i got bored of spamming,so if i am permed there for advertising olympus will you guys now perm me here aswell for advertising it ? like hello,this is stupid if you ask me,asylum staff lowkey out here licking OS's ass and they trynna be admins on this server that's like 100 times better then their dead shitty one...like look,now they're making a game,HAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA big cringe,good luck with that. This comes from a player who only plays Olympus server,only plays Arma 3 because of Olympus.
  4. Hey girl lemme pee in yo butt
  5. Wait how the hell do you transfer warpoints ? @ChubbyElf
  6. how can a nig with a Vigitage come and say that ? who are those people ? come on lets hear ya,dumb fuck. get off my thread,cya.
  7. stfu im not like that hispanic autistic monkey lmao ,i've talked to him couple of times and saw how he plays,that nig be trippin' that he the best player lmao,and just his voice n accent makes you neck yourself.
  8. @Fusah is probably busy watching Zero Two hentai
  9. wait wut does automated trigger mean then ? Sry about that then,i was tripping then okay mr.smartass i'm sry
  10. I was on cop,fucking around and then *boom* kicked out of game,says permanently banned for scripting n im like dude dafuq?,then 2 minutes later i try to join and im not permed lol wtf is going on? @Eggman i saw u were on cop aswell so were u just fuckin wit me or wut ?
  11. Aren't you one mean motherfucker?
  12. i want depression to go away
  13. i stay inside,smoke weed,pop xanax.beat my meat to hentai movies and roleplay on arma 3 olympus server,whatchu got hommie ?
  14. Honestly,we need more niggs like Arigato is he chill about everything and rarely talks shit,mad respect for u blood
  15. question is what did ya do to get removed ?
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