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Michael Shade

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. not sure what happened but while i was medic earlier you died about 50 times in 15 minutes
  2. I may just be a fucking noobie but it's sad to see you go my dude
  3. dont forget to check newegg
  4. i mean the movies are based(kinda) on the comics so you should be able to find out kek, side note loki is a dick
  5. but iron man is the biggest nerd, hes just a badass one
  6. Everyone drop your favorite Marvel character in memory of the man who made the world marvelous Mine is punisher
  7. i agree, i think that vigis are pretty useless and stupid as they add nothing to the game except getting randomly tazed with little RP, vigi tazer abuse etc. it isnt hard to get into APD so if people want to arrest people then they can easily apply, but as you said vigis are only in it for money. The only thing they can do that cops cant is go after someone for no reason at all for the bounty. is this really what you want your first post to be friend
  8. i don't like vigis but them being close does make logical sense as they are a legal faction so they would be closer than rebel, though i would support moving them slightly further away, and i agree on the other two. i hate trying to talk to someone in kav square and a vigi comes up and takes them away.
  9. What Pablo said
  10. imagine not using MS paint for logos, scrubs. like the idea though, might do a few mockups myself for fun -sent from my graphic design class
  11. i mainly do platinum for legal, people always fly over diamond so fuck that
  12. Welcome dissident.
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