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Status Replies posted by Wheatkings

  1. SWAT should still be a thing. Would be a nice rank to work towards.

    1. Wheatkings


      meh SWAT doesn't work all that well since the gear would be senior apd gear which would essentially make senior apd the only individuals able to do SWAT. There are other better ideas that are floating around, just need a good cop force before we can start considering it seriously putting them in action.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Your name doenst happen to be after the Brandon Wheat kings?

    1. Wheatkings


      Nope. I do use images from them though. Its actually from a Tragically Hip song.

  3. So to even apply to APD you have to log 24 hours play time. How do I check server play time. I thought they meant Steam play time which I have 90 hours on. But got the reply to not apply until I have the hours.

    1. Wheatkings


      According to the system you have 1652 minutes on our servers. That should be more then enough to apply.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Streaming some codin, gonna do some economy rebalancing, maybe an anti combat log system, hookers, who knows. Come give feedback n stuff. Also stream is higher quality now ;)http://www.twitch.tv/olympusservers

  5. APD Master Handbook has been Updated!!!

  6. Servers have been updated to newest Arma version. Servers have better cpu utilization as well, which is nice C: Might try to bump up player slot limit too if performance looks good enough

  7. Just got my new galaxy note 4, this thing is nice.

  8. Supposed to rain all week. Ruining my big bon fire party at my house for New Years ...

    1. Wheatkings


      apparently my invite got lost in the mail... maybe next year.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Dat space engineers update doh. 1bil km maps, infinite procedural asteroids, lookin pretty tempting.

    1. Wheatkings


      I'd get back into it if there was a group of people who were going to play it.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. Patiently waiting for Patrol Officer Rank *WINK*WINK* lol

    1. Wheatkings


      You can wink all you want. Sexual favors will not move you up in the line :D

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. All APD please check out the forum for all the latest announcements and information on The Laws of Altis!

  12. All servers are now up. All servers should be relativley stable. Most of the map was reverted except for the jail. Mod shop and other new features still work.

    1. Wheatkings


      ^^^ oh dear Snake and pvtwanted wont be happy when they hear that lol

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Would like to say THANKS TO ALL the ADMINS, MODS, and PLAYERS for making Olympus the best gaming community Ive ever played with...cheers.

  14. Donation rewards are now automated, you'll get them nearly instantly :D

  15. Don't worry if you saw the "account suspended" page for a brief moment, was just a whoopsy :P

  16. Waiting on the first person to titan my ghosthawk :)

  17. any approx time on patch tomorrow>?

    1. Wheatkings


      I'll be keeping my eyes pealed for it! Exciting times!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Sorry for the site downtime, had to install some stuff and ran into errors which I had to fix. Should be good now though, check out the new live streams page :D

  19. When dealing with trolls don't just throw part of the ticket book at them, throw everything you can!

    1. Wheatkings


      Meh Its all in the delivery. RP+Justified charges is key!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. Num num Chipotle Sunflower seeds

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