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About xGenesis

  • Birthday 02/12/1990

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  1. my ni99a
  2. Happy birthday to tactical co leader Daniel @William 'Daniel' Wallace Cheers you fucking prick

    1. LongInactiveAccount


      Fucking square go you spastic mong

  3. As many are aware, the way the third person heli camera works was changed with the Jets DLC update and has made flying heli's a nauseating experience if you fly in third. It brought up the questions if BI did this intentionally and if they would fix it. I found a reddit post where it was addressed and a BI dev actually responded. Looks like we are getting it fixed. https://gyazo.com/8af4b5c6610c0140b62a1ab8cc285cbd
  4. It would make sense if they made the new camera settings optional and allowed the camera to be set how it used to be pre update, maybe an option in game settings
  5. Jamarr wan pley h1??
  6. so you've been storing all your recordings on your ssd... rip pandaaaaa
  7. I know, 36k is soo much to pay !!! Gonna need some of the Copper Cartels gang funds!
  8. looking to buy pilot helms PM me will pay 3x the buying price for each
  9. Might be your birthday but you're still a prick :Kappa:

    Happy Birthday

  10. SSD with ArmA 3 and OS on it is god. No freezing/stuttering and shadowplay runs so smooth and has no effect on performance.

    1. iPopsicle


      I was surprised in the impact it makes 

    2. xGenesis


      Same! Before I never recorded with Shadowplay "instant replay" since it would cause random freezing and stuttering. Now that Arma is on the SSD, I run SP at 5 minute intervals and never get any performance issues. Although texture bugs still happen, having my OS on the SSD makes signing out/restarting 10x faster... life is good with a SSD lol.

    3. iPopsicle


      In your parameters change your memory allocater to jmalloc, it lowered the amount I've gotten

  11. random gang who wiped your gang at moonshine last night
  12. I uploaded this to YouTube as a test video, just got adobe premiere and was messing with titles and wanted to make sure it uploaded in 1080p 60fps. Didn't expect Ivan to put it on the forums but he's a troll so he did. <3 Ivan
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