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Everything posted by GoofyThief

  1. So you tellin 5 Years later now they remove age requirement....that's fucced up
  2. it's time for another tournament @ ..Maybe...IDK ,fortnite
  3. First fam
  4. Lemme roll him a spliff
  5. amazing suggestion
  6. Pretty sure they give an admin 50mil each and then flip like 100k pretending that to be the 50mil
  7. This why you gotta be D.T.A..
  8. True....Should had MK1 unholstered ..Asking to be robbed
  9. ohh
  10. Kinda ur fault..LMAO i would've hopped in the ifrit right after I dropped the Type 115 and got the money..You waited too long.
  11. GoofyThief

    $5 Mil Giveaway

    EASY 5 mil
  12. Zubr(20mags) for the Mar?
  13. we all broke due to casino do certain things...But dont gotta show it
  14. Bye
  15. 1.Nerf cop guns. 2.Move Coke Pro 3.Make Blackwater give better loot. 4.Lower FED Blow timer to 15mins. 5. Make Bank A KOS Zone. 6. Fix Warpoints.
  16. I want to help
  17. I like these new additions, sometimes when i do banks, medics rush in and block the door. It gets really annoying
  18. Saying fuck admins will not make you like right.
  19. If you shoot out of vehicle weapon while tazed,that is considered exploiting because the gun still works. Your Situation Sounds Like You Don't Know That, but if you look at bottom left of your corner it says you got tazed again.Tip : To Avoid Getting Banned, Stay Away From Shady Things and Always Ask Support.
  20. M Are Always Supposed To Be In The Middle, If Its Not Its Special
  21. I feel your pain mate,
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