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Everything posted by ben-

  1. Can we get a TLDR please
  2. this is because your refresh rate isnt set in your arma cfg
  3. will pay more so katheeri and mosnter cant use it on s3 !
  4. rather be called fat than sit as a 40 year old woman crying on a online gaming forum
  5. grown adult on a video game btw
  6. thank you sov much appreciated
  7. YOsLY6A.jpeg

    the cutest apd checkpoint ever :3 - clash

    @ Clashingtin @ thor @ Olsson @ nicole

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. stayclaxxy


      FUCK how did i miss out on this

    3. Kaotic


      Looking good Ben! 

    4. Benne


      who’s the best fat kitty😍

  8. Pooperson my goat!!
  9. too small
  10. @ ASPEN wow im so proud!!

  11. Happy day of birf @ Benne !!

  12. @ stayclaxxy  i am so proud of you passing your chief test now we can camp houses together and pull ghawk for a rook banger!

  13. broken/abandoned buildings show as a crate higher than they actually store, blame mako or something !
  14. Why change the price list, I think 9 mil for a Zaf was perfect!!
  15. just gamble irl instead
  16. Better chance rolling around in a field than we would have..
  17. happy birthday my pookie @ Clashingtin  😍😍😍😍😍

  18. I assume the same as the armed caesars, just doesn’t exist but will announce when a Titan is shot at you
  19. Can’t believe you fixed tasing with a armed vehicle before we could do the rebel boat Strat… @ Mako
  20. 40 years old btw
  21. i finally did it, how did you know i was gonna get it?
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