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Everything posted by Hunter

  1. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2070540877 2 crate and 3 crate
  2. tasers wise a good chunk of people not hard to rob a sergeant for the BW gear not many people are selling it so i do understand why you raised the price on them
  3. almost every taser you have and a lot of your BW gear is over priced
  4. just saying forcing people to put money in your gang funds people won't join you
  5. 2 crate can hold 3 banks worth of money bags
  6. https://gyazo.com/7269f0c623f1c401d7ad09a350f98dc8 .
  7. @Mr Majestic are the smoke grenades tear gas for vigi's?
  8. how much for mk1 taser?
  9. price check on the 

    ak-12 taser 

    mk1 taser 

    typ taser

    cmr taser 

    spar 16s taser 

    cmr taser 

  10. Remove the duffel bags bring back the old brief cases 

  11. move boat rebel back to the original spot

    1. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      fuck no that was so aids. you could never fly thru the gulf because people just sat there and titaned all day for warpoints

  12. nobody is gonna buy that it will just be a waste of Dev time
  13. if they don't wanna waste time leave and let the person get up simple as that
  14. have a Rebel also retard you body camp till they respawn no point in wasting 250k
  15. ew for scats really no point to it people are just gonna pull a taser and let you get up
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