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Status Replies posted by virus

  1. @bc feel free to send me 100 to my paypal for me to teach yous how to play the game, not even top 3 both rounds on sahrani that’s embarrassing💀

  2. everyone joins the gang they will find the easiest win with then complain when they have no competition. you ruin your own fights

    1. virus


      @ proud  shouldve saved the money and got yourself a car and maybe a job 👍

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  3. everyone joins the gang they will find the easiest win with then complain when they have no competition. you ruin your own fights

    1. virus


      find a video of me crying over arma 3, i can probably find more than I can count of you in tears 🤣 you're a joke. dogshit on the game but stats dont lie 😂

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  4. everyone joins the gang they will find the easiest win with then complain when they have no competition. you ruin your own fights

    1. virus


      any day I wake up knowing i havent licked my brothers dick and my father isnt a convicted pedo is a good day 🙏🏼

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  5. everyone joins the gang they will find the easiest win with then complain when they have no competition. you ruin your own fights

    1. virus


      yea and that month you couldnt do nothing but cry the whole time, also i came back after a month of not playing and top fragged so idk what you are on about 😄  #lookingforfriends #polog

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  6. everyone joins the gang they will find the easiest win with then complain when they have no competition. you ruin your own fights

    1. virus


      yea winning for the month is only 1 week worth of conq 🤣 copium is calling everyone cheaters when you're losing while you have 4 people actually ban evading/cheating

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  7. everyone joins the gang they will find the easiest win with then complain when they have no competition. you ruin your own fights

    1. virus


      @ proud  you literally complained the entire month you were losing while you had 4 people ban evading/cheating 🤣 if winning really mattered we wouldve just kept the same tp roster instead of splitting up

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  8. everyone joins the gang they will find the easiest win with then complain when they have no competition. you ruin your own fights

    1. virus


      @ Tacosmell  people wont split because they want to be part of whoever is currently winning, if they dont get on the roster they just go swat

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  9. Out of curiosity, when was the last Gang Wars? If we have stopped them, why? 

    1. virus


      yea things went downhill after the wendys incident

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  10. 2 more admins that don't know the rules. When will it end...

  11. Server removal for dropping the hard R a few times is wild

    1. virus


      bubbaloo would drop the hard R all the time, and now hes admin. #FREEPARKER

    2. (See 48 other replies to this status update)

  12. 94c71944462d7a0e251092eea7b6abfd.png

    half the points equal the wins that random bc gang was rly pathetic with the army of cheaters they had l0l0l0l0l0l0l zAAhzIII heS cHHHeatting @ Theo

    1. virus


      @ Frato last person in BC to get banned for cheating was cale who hardly played. most just quit cause it gets boring eventually. 

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  13. 94c71944462d7a0e251092eea7b6abfd.png

    half the points equal the wins that random bc gang was rly pathetic with the army of cheaters they had l0l0l0l0l0l0l zAAhzIII heS cHHHeatting @ Theo

  14. Anyone got a picture of the new/old APD insignia?

  15. he's back 


    1. virus


      deputy chip with the hand saw

  16. Remove jump script from s3

  17. Hot take, but I have absolutely zero issue with spectating bans, especially over exploiting. It's a pretty irrational argument to say a ban is less deserved due to it being spectated then submitted by an actual player. If you're breaking a rule, you're breaking a rule; the way of which you were caught is irrelevent.

    Furthermore fighting people who are exploiting is absolutely cancerous, especially when you go out of your way to generally try and follow the rules. Backpacking especially really isn't able to be feasibly clipped without an admin actively spectating.

    Obviously discretion still plays a part, but if you were caught "minor exploiting" more than once and you've been around the block to know better, then you deserve your ban.

    In reference to recent events, mind blowing to me y'all are gonna flame @ Mighty  when it sounds like he let you all finish your fed opposed to banning you all on the spot.


    1. virus


      @ Bubbaloo Burrito yea but getting consistently spectated during events by the same admins is fair. Love getting to sit out a ban and cops gettings verbals.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hot take, but I have absolutely zero issue with spectating bans, especially over exploiting. It's a pretty irrational argument to say a ban is less deserved due to it being spectated then submitted by an actual player. If you're breaking a rule, you're breaking a rule; the way of which you were caught is irrelevent.

    Furthermore fighting people who are exploiting is absolutely cancerous, especially when you go out of your way to generally try and follow the rules. Backpacking especially really isn't able to be feasibly clipped without an admin actively spectating.

    Obviously discretion still plays a part, but if you were caught "minor exploiting" more than once and you've been around the block to know better, then you deserve your ban.

    In reference to recent events, mind blowing to me y'all are gonna flame @ Mighty  when it sounds like he let you all finish your fed opposed to banning you all on the spot.


    1. virus


      @ Bubbaloo Burrito Nobody won an entire fed because of a backpack. Cops were just as bad with DPI as well. If you think this is what you should do as a admin then half the server would be banned from just spectating.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  19. Hot take, but I have absolutely zero issue with spectating bans, especially over exploiting. It's a pretty irrational argument to say a ban is less deserved due to it being spectated then submitted by an actual player. If you're breaking a rule, you're breaking a rule; the way of which you were caught is irrelevent.

    Furthermore fighting people who are exploiting is absolutely cancerous, especially when you go out of your way to generally try and follow the rules. Backpacking especially really isn't able to be feasibly clipped without an admin actively spectating.

    Obviously discretion still plays a part, but if you were caught "minor exploiting" more than once and you've been around the block to know better, then you deserve your ban.

    In reference to recent events, mind blowing to me y'all are gonna flame @ Mighty  when it sounds like he let you all finish your fed opposed to banning you all on the spot.


    1. virus


      You cant expect everyone to always play the game perfectly, small issues like this get easily resolved by the dispute system. If its how you say where others arent able to tell what you're doing then just issue a warning, no point in resolving it to a ban over something so small that more than likely didnt change the outcome of a fight. Its the same admins consistently spectating federal events, one of those being a Dep Chief. However, only the civ side gets fucked everytime. 

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  20. @ Rexo @ Mighty  Why do you guys always feel the need to spectate feds and ban people for long periods of time when no one has an issue with what's going on.

    Most of the fighting was BC vs TP who look through rocks and backpack on conquest and cap and it's not against the rules.

    Sickening. Especially when you wait for everyone to get off before you place the bans.

    1. virus


      @ Mighty  why does everything have to end in a ban? If its something as simple as backpacking or dpi why cant you use the warning system?

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  21. @ Rexo @ Mighty  Why do you guys always feel the need to spectate feds and ban people for long periods of time when no one has an issue with what's going on.

    Most of the fighting was BC vs TP who look through rocks and backpack on conquest and cap and it's not against the rules.

    Sickening. Especially when you wait for everyone to get off before you place the bans.

    1. virus


      @ Mighty thank you for letting us sell the gold before banning, what a saint to olympus you are you fucking retard. how about instead of wasting time trying to find any possible thing to ban someone you let other players report them for it, or use the warning system to let players know. couple cops dpi jumped during the multi hour fight and none of them got a ban, everyone else has to sit out for a ban while apd gets a talk lmfao. 

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  22. If someone withdrawal their player report and wants someone unbanned it means unban not reduce.

  23. https://imgur.com/a/rO9Cwiu

    too busy dishing our more bans to reply to appeals 😕 

    1. virus


      tbf he always replies to appeals, could get banned by the other retards like mighty or diamond and just never get ur shit looked at

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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