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PO Box

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Everything posted by PO Box

  1. So I decided to start up a Altis Life version of Cops. After talking with a few people and then shooting and editing it I got the final product here: I would love to hear the feedback on it and any suggestions for future episodes. Once again thanks to Bubba and McDili for helping out. Enjoy
  2. What I see happening is that people are going to start using them as human shields since they can't be killed.
  3. Yeah, people died, cops died. People broke rules others RP'd amazingly, few drug busts and some gang wars. P.S I don't play on Server 2
  4. 40 minutes of Altis Life Cops edition being uploaded.

  5. Editing the first episode of Olympus Cop. Thank you to Bubba and McDili for helping out!

    1. Bubba
    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      Where the fuck is my shout out for orchestrating the Biggest Kavala/Beaner Truck drive by you've ever seen/Been a part of??

    3. PO Box

      PO Box

      LOOL thats another clip don't worry moob

  6. Drugs are bad, stay in school.
  7. PO Box


  8. Possible Altis Life version on Cops coming your way.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kreidz


      needs proper cops intro aswell ;)

    3. Kreidz


      and a camera man sitting in the backseat lol

    4. PO Box

      PO Box

      Yup got the backseat camera. Studied the show pretty well :P

  9. PO Box


    I don't know, yeah not wiping would be really rebellious but everyone here is past that stage right? I mean I don't think anyone wants to walk around with that smell.
  10. PO Box


    Yeah I feel like Front to Back is best but some people just don't have long arms.
  11. Front to Back or Back to Front? Research purposes of course
  12. Auto Jail time for certain charges. Big Bad Adam and Pappysatch had a good idea, i.e If you have over 5 Manslaughters and get caught, the APD sends you straight to jail. The reasoning for this would be if someone killed over 5 people and then pay their ticket what is to stop them from doing it all over again. They killed and stole over 1m worth of stuff then pay a 300k ticket and do it all over again.
  13. Yeah you cannot expect cops to RP situations where you literally push it to the limit. Some things go from realistic and possible to just dumb and too try hard.
  14. Mind explaining what DCS? I'm assuming is a flight game? If so please tell me! I'm a huge Flight Sim enthusiast
  15. Never seen so many people reading a post.
  16. LOL, imo. I would've just deducted the 2k from your total ticket and still gave you the rest. So don't get cocky
  17. PO Box


    What would you guys think of POTP making a guide to sort of help out newcomers? The guide would provide info of when to sell certain items (max prices, best locations to sell, etc) It would also include a quick crash course of vehicles and how they can be utilized in certain scenarios (best setup, cost, capacities before and after upgrades). Would be something decently detailed but not overwhelming. If you have any other suggestions that can be added?
  18. Where do I subscribe.
  19. Apparently this is the new way to talk to Poseidon ;)

  20. inb4 Poseidon post "Virus (xxx.xx.xxx.xxx:2304) 8dc18481c62c71331750a2a2986944aa" jk comp or ban
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