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PO Box

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Everything posted by PO Box

  1. P.O. Box reporting for duty!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PO Box
    3. Warfare


      What's your PO box address so I can send you a letter...hehe

    4. Dustin87


      ^lol Gratz box!

  2. Amen.
  3. My RP with cops on civ side is great when cops RP back. I think both party have to put in a little effort and everyone benefits :D

  4. There is a tale, that that's where Virus made his cash. Its just a tale though.
  5. I go out for Basic in around 3 months! Already signed a contract for the Navy.
  6. First let me introduce myself, in game I am known as [POTP] Supply Box and recently also known as Officer Box (new Deputy to the APD). I love to RP and find it extremely fun to do it. Now let me lay out the situation, to not mention names we will simply call him Bob. I was in a police hatchback doing a patrol outside Air HQ with Corporal Warfare. Now as we are driving down the road we saw a wanted criminal, we pull over and approach him. Now we do not restrain him right away, but instead we start to RP. We ask him why is he out in the middle of the street with no clothes on. Bob tells us that he just came online, now Corporal Warfare and I decide to RP this out. We start asking him what does he mean by online, then we asked him if he was a little confused because he thought he was in a game. Bob then says "just give me the ticket I just came online", to keep the RP going we asked him if he was mentally stable or under any substances because he kept thinking he was in a game. Bob then tells us "what are you talking about? i just got on server 1." Corporal Warfare and I then proceed to finally restrain him and tell him that we believe that he is under some sort of substance that is making him hallucinate. We also tell him that we will be calling a Medic to give him an evaluation to whether he is on some sort of substance or not. We then drive him down to Air HQ which is less than 800 meters out. I then text the EMS stating "This is Deputy Box, I need a medic to come to Air HQ to evaluate a suspect to determine if he is under any substances". While I'm doing this Bob is yelling "you guys are so f***ing stupid just give me the stupid ticket or im going to combat log i dont care if I get ban". In hopes of keeping the RP alive still Corporal Warfare asks him why he is so confused, After he says that to Bob, Bob logs off. Note: Keep in mind all of these happen within 5 minutes. He was arrested 800meters outside Air HQ. So if you say we are wasting his time, my response to you is. Why do you play on a RolePlay server if you don't have time to RP. If all you want is to kill people and make the most money then play something else. That is not what RP is about, lets focus less on money and killing and more on RP. Now what I'm wondering is why some people complain about RP when 99% of criminal just say "give me my f***ing ticket, hurry up dumb cops, you didn't announce yourself, I have a go pro, you broke this rule, let me go." All these while their friends are screaming "let him go, you broke this rule, you are stupid, going to get unwhitelisted" etc etc. I guess all I'm saying is that after being on both sides, civ and APD, RP is not done as often as I would like. Please, just RP and everything will go better for everyone.
  7. Welcome aboard! You will notice that we have a lot of different things/people in this server compared to Asylum (every server is unique!). Make sure to read up on the rules of because?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent> they may not be the same as of Asylum. Also, keep up to date with rules/server/site changes Once again, enjoy your stay! See you in game.
  8. Snake for Captain
  9. A bounty has been set for the player ]FAINT[ RAW for the amount of $600k. He must be brought alive to [POTP] Supply Box or [POTP] Jopple123. Provide proof with video, the better the RP the more you will receive. Let the hunting begin! PS: Server 1
  10. Yeah I understand that, but just wondering. They can get a lucky hit on my rotor and down I go.
  11. So with this new update of being able to shoot out of heli's. What's the rules for APD. Because today I was flying and they sent me a text telling me to land or be shot down etc etc, then started shooting at me (they followed rp rules). Just wondering how it will work, should they be like the Ghosthawk or can they just fly around looking for wanted helis and shoot them down.
  12. Yeah this is quite the He said She said kind of things. Best thing is to just report it with video and let the admins decide.
  13. 39 Kills 47 Deaths 0 Revives 0 Arrests Made $0 Bounties received 140.856 Km Distance travelled (foot) 2261.76 Km Distance travelled (vehicle) 5325 Minutes Playtime Civ 0 Minutes Playtime Cop 0 Minutes Playtime R&R
  14. I just want to point out that you repeated the same thing over and over again in the post. But regardless, you shot first, then said go away. I nearly 100% positive that warning shots don't apply to ground unit. Therefore you pretty much attempted RDM on him and ended up killing him. But hey, just my two cents.
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