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Olympus Entertainment - The Conclusion of 2024 - $4000+ Giveaway & Holiday Sales/Price Match! ×


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Everything posted by Justi1

  1. Congrats to the homie on corporal of the month @ Kaotic ! Well deserved!

  2. AP YUHHHHH good stuff @ Kaotic

  3. Congrats @ Joel  and @ Dr.Dream !

    1. JoeL


      Out of reactions pookie bear thanks stink stink 🥰

  5. Congrats @ Orbit

    1. Orbit


      Thanks my black prince

  6. Happy birthday @ Big Boss Fredo AP YUHHHHHHH

    1. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      Real nigga justi yuhhhh 

  7. Justi1


    I miss you I miss you I really wanna kiss you
  8. An hour a day keeps the supervisors away! 

  9. Congrats @ JDC on Supervisor!

  10. Please add bank account balance to lotto conformation so I can know whether or not to ball out or buy 1 ticket.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noble


      been in for a while, press y 💯💯

    3. Skys


      you always go big on the lottos 

    4. Justi1


      @ Noble no time to check when I’m going Mach Jesus to buy a ticket with 1 minute left 

  11. first is the worst second is the best.
  12. Lmao “what we want” not everything is ab what you want. you develop for a community they should have a say in what changes and what doesn’t
  13. y’all are killing the already dying server by nerfing everything people do to make money. you’re brain dead if you think people with 100 hours automatically have money. some of us are gambling addicts and runs aren’t worth the time
  14. we should spawn with 1 redgull 

    1. Regal


      Remove stamina

    2. Nate


      Stamina is overrated, get that shit outta here

    3. SPBojo
  15. ill buy the ARCO and flashlight
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