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tayte last won the day on December 12 2020

tayte had the most liked content!

About tayte

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  1. imagine taking this game seriously

  3. This is the answer. Also: Yes, you just shoot turtles and then windows key on them.
  4. I want a kavala square house server 1
  5. happy twelth birthday, maybe you get a ps5 from your dad!
  6. yes I buy
  7. LOL
  8. Hello Millenium!
  9. They happen every week, you need a medic whitelist to see it on the forums though.
  10. some real intellects in the arma 3 community
  11. that's funny because EMTs are not allowed to go into redzones. checkmate libtard ; another win for the good guys!
  12. I just couldn't give less of a fuck about what happened here.
  13. I think this is a good idea, but yea just because it shows if players are new doesn't mean people will be nice to them.
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