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  1. Trump and Melina tested positive for Covid-19. How do you lads think this will effect the election? Both in determining who wins, political process, policies, and the inauguration process?


    Im not American, just curious about others opinions on this matter.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Millennium


      @sploding yeah, but even if he wasn't president and got corona and he decided to do this he absolutely could. He worked for his money, he ended up being a very successful business man and its his right to pay however much if he wishes. It is probably a costly procedure because of what they have to do, or the equipment may be expensive to use, etc.

      Either way he would get the best care most likely b/c of his availability. He worked a lot, went bankrupt sometimes, dug himself out of it and now he is here, supposedly a billionaire.

    3. PoptartRex


      I think it will be used more as leverage for the debates as Trump needs a new game plan for the rule changes in debates. 

      Trump will get sicker (whether or not he actually gets sicker is questionable), at least "sick" enough to miss the next debate, and then he will make a resurgence with good health in time for the last debate. Assuming he does well in that debate it could likely really drive conservatives and moderates his way.  


      This is also a good way to bring heat off of the last debate and his tax returns getting leaked.

    4. Millennium


      @nomadox no. He got a loan of a million dollars from his father. He didn’t start from nothing, but he did work and still work until his 70’s in his career and has been successful. There were many times that he denied he went bankrupt but there were many reports that it did actually occur, but with such a big business already he was able to get himself out of it. Im simply just saying he worked for a lot of his money, if he choses to spend 75k+ on medical expenses be my guest, thats his money and his choice.

      i would say that for anyone, if you work hard get a degree, get a good job making hundreds of thousands, more or less than that, then good for you. It is your money, you worked for it.

      he didn’t start out in rags, but he has gone bankrupt many times is what im assuming u mean by rags. You can look it up if you would like to. Many people in the banking field know about it.

      idk why u think im brainwashed when im not, im not a full on trump supporter, if there was a better candidate i would vote for them. I see trump as a better candidate as to how i want to see the US progress, my ideals, etc. I don’t support many of the things biden says, and i dont support everything trump says.

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