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Everything posted by ChillX

  1. that's crazy work
  2. Hey be nice little buddy
  3. That is mighty unfortunate my friend
  5. Need a good texture designer, DM me please!

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  6. thats crazy
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    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      New arma menu dropped

    3. Milo


      What's disconcerting is that it says it can't load it. Although I would imagine this is isolated to an Arma issue I would just check your file system too to make sure there's nothing up with your computer as a whole. Maybe a recently installed AV is blocking something or permissions changed? Did you do any updates to any drivers recently?

    4. Lucien


      @ Milo  doubt its that deep and a pbo is probably corrupted, im assuming a verify/reinstall fixed it

  8. ChillX

    3x Horn Crate giveaway

  9. ChillX

    3x Horn Crate giveaway

    why is the picture pride
  10. hows ur gun fire so deep?
  11. Jokes on you buddy i have a orbital untrackable internet protocol, therefore you cannot track my devices internet connection via ethernet cable
  12. cry about it
  13. Yes
  14. Delete this so I can go home and buy them, thanks
  15. I'll give him two
  16. It’s good for proing but it be a bitch to sell from that mug
  17. I feel like posting where its at would help a lot!
  18. Need shine houses pm me 

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  19. ight send me all the new open houses thanks man
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