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Everything posted by braddzzzz

  1. selling them 300k for 1, WTS in bulk
  2. 2 crater wanting a mil for it https://gyazo.com/9c0208f32bf3ed52cf052c83809dce6c
  3. buying in bulk, drop a price per 1
  4. if i see some one and they initiate on my gang member at the other side of the map and then kill me, is this rdm?
  5. ill pm you
  6. if still for sale how much?
  7. pm me if you are selling any cop tasers
  8. thanks captain obvious, jokes lmao and nah i want to find good places for them and maybe buy them off people
  9. https://gyazo.com/9c0208f32bf3ed52cf052c83809dce6c drop offers below
  10. anyone got a picture of all the gang shed locations and can anyone tell me the upgrade process like price and inventory space
  11. got 2 mx and 1 spar pm me if interested
  12. will sell 3 pm me a price
  13. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198427159269/#sort=order <3
  14. yeah i tried it lets me process once but not a second but a few people are telling me you can
  15. can you process twice at black market processors?
  16. ok thanks
  17. how many arrests to move up a tier?
  18. my war points seem to be stuck on 7
  19. im still whitelisted as a medic but i applied a day ago and it says nothing about being accepted?
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