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Status Updates posted by Fedot

  1. Some guy quitting server gave me almost 5 mil worth of Gear... Sad reason of why hes leaving though

  2. To the APD Members i trolled/pissed off... I meant none of what i saidIm on a training Couse to Understand Kavala trolls

    1. Fedot


      PS I alsoe lost 6 Milllion trolling Kavala APD

    2. Talindor


      you must be very proud.

    3. Billcosbywarfare


      Lies you meant everything

  3. For all Yall That Can't Report People...

  4. Watching GamePlay is like Watching Pr0n, Your Not feeling it your just getting strategies for when it Happens

    1. Nova383
    2. St. Michael

      St. Michael

      You might think that's humanity or the cutting edge of what this society thinks is normal. Let me be the first to introduce to you the idea that porno is a abomination and idolatry. They want us all to relate to our sexuality as if we were just a like a monkey. I assure you we are not and it should be recognize as the abomination that it is. whether you want to follow the masses into the pit is our own personal choice. Still, thank you for speaking candidly. Maybe I could help to in...

    3. Fedot


      @Foil_Mike Jehovah Witnesses are knocking on the Internet now....

    1. Fedot


      Archiving the Past 7 Days Footage // Deleting Older Footage 500GB free

  5. I'm Sorry to all The Deputies I JUUUUUKED

  6. BSODed for the first time in 2 years....PLEZ COMPUTER GAWDD DONT DO DIS

  7. Terror in 50 Cal. in Kavala > Quad Bike Rammed us > Cops get me > cops let somone steal 50 Cal > Gets Chopped

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Papa John

      Papa John

      lol I remember that.

    3. Fedot
    4. Hades


      Should have brought a repair kit along. You guys did have plenty of time to repair it. Ur gunner also decided to glitch and so that kinda got under my skin.

  8. Working on Dat Cop life yo

    1. Billcosbywarfare


      PSSH all your working on is flying my heli into power lines and killing us all!

  9. Final Project Due! and Only 434 Lines in..... out of a Min of 5000. PHP Gods Please make my Code Work.... plez bbe :3 ?

    1. Fedot


      See Everybody next week

    2. Odin


      You final should be a set of code that outputs a different set of code that is utilized by the first set of code forcing your professor to decipher which code is actually your final...

    3. Fedot


      I would do that but my professors the kind of guy that would be like. Takes more than 10 mins to understand Must be wrong


    1. D3V1L



    2. Fedot




  11. Anybody reccomend a good HeadSet? (Must Have Good Sound Control in Right Ear)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dustin87


      The clouds have in line not on ear tho

    3. Collin the og

      Collin the og

      Try sades A60, thats what im getting cause my Gamestergear p3210 isnt working that well

    4. Fat Clemenza
  12. I'm an Adult People..... TAXES!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  13. TS Down dat sad Moment :(

  14. My Internets ares Beings Haxed by the Illimunattissss

    1. zero the kitten

      zero the kitten

      nnuuu notz illllmanuties

  15. Had a bAd Money Making day yesterday :( went from 2 Mil to 100k (LOL) Stupid People that are better shots than us and must be hackers because I'm MLG

    1. ToeKnee
    2. Fedot


      ToeKnee I see you on Dem leaderboards hook a Rebel up yo

  16. Sometimes Id rather pay a larger ticket for some good RP, than always just having an Officer Give me at ticket without actually asking me what happened. But Still <3 you APD/R&R

  17. I'm Addicted to making spread sheets.... It's a real issue

    1. Poseidon


      You'd like eve online.

    2. ALF Goove
    3. Fedot


      My friend actually mentioned that.

  18. that moment when you Complain Not enough cops playing server 3 then all of a sudden 18 Cops Show up in Hunters......

    1. ALF Goove

      ALF Goove

      bahahah..Careful what you wish for bro!

  19. Dem Dang Burbans Always stealing my Toys when I Try to share...

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