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milos inflated dev2 ego

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Everything posted by milos inflated dev2 ego

  1. BUT FEAR NOT MY FELLOW OLYMPIANS KIDS COLLEGE ENTERPRISES HAS BOUGHT OUT THE OTHER BUYER since i am now owner of olympus the new rules are as follows racism is now TOLERATED furrys are to be banned THAT is all thank you olympus i hope we will get to know eachother as i take my rightful position as owner of the server and to all the staff leads fear for your jobs becuase i am removing any and all furry sympathizers
  2. @ ThatNerdyGuy   i remember when we was just young lads walking down to morrys food and fish store after school to get cheese doodles and go home and game on cod til the sun came up brotha good times happy birthday to the day one homie

    1. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Didn’t you guys share a kiss?

      since you were both a little bicurious

  3. yeah ive seen this before very rare super rare actually email my office for further information on how to fix this
  4. my name is hatchabcks with the cia were investigating the infestation of furrys on olympus if you have any information please feel free to contact my office


    me and @ buckie  in the field

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Waddles


      dude I'm black and a weeb lol 

      fuck them furry kids 



    3. goooooon


      woah now you're bring race into this?@ Waddles

    4. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      @ buckie  your nuclear football does not worry me, i have a john mcaffee dead man switch for all my evidence. The furry anti furrys will be exposed.

  5. bruh if you for real sold that hawk for 6m L's in the chat for my homie
  6. you’re a furry do not ever comment on one of my posts for personal gain you are a gay man nothing more nothing less know your place
  7. fyuck your mother big nosed prick im not trying i am funny as fuck you fucking walnut
  8. for me to tell you how the servers dying and why i have the solution i must tell you guys the backstory it was a cold and dark night of December 23 2003 I get out of my 2022 McLaren walking into the BestBuy to buy my very first gaming pc as I walk closer to the register to purchase me gaming monitor my gaming pc and my gaming chair I realize @ Ryan is working the register we had a very nice chat about Olympus and why I should play it I agreed and went on with the purchase of my new computer Ryan gave me some contracts to sign for warranty and all that but as I went to sign the papers my hand could not move I quickly realized my 134 pound presidential Rolex was weighing my hand down so I had Ryan sign the paper for my after I get my computer setup I download arma 3 and I join Olympus for the very first time I spawn Kavala and I embark on my journey of chopping hatchbacks after about 4 years of playing I encountered a lot and i mean a lot of furrys any give me mod and i will ban anyone who has ties to furrys and will single handedly save this once great server and i will carry it on my back for years to come vote I chop hatchbacks today for mod edit forgot to mention I actually owned the best buy and I left the McLaren in the parking lot and got picked up in my 3024 space jet with solid gold boosters and a diamond gas cap with star powered time warp capabilities and arrived at my villa inside of the star we call sun
  9. ive got the gorious model too +1 corsair k70 best keyboard change my mind
  10. "shut down s2 and force ~150+ people into a 140 slot server that shits its pants when it gets over 120 players < leave both servers open who tf cares if some no life rats play s2 all day"

    I care cunt

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. silton


      You'd hope they would spend the money people donate for 2 servers on the 1

    3. Lucien


      Easy solution just shut down s1 as well no complaints about performance

    4. buckie
  11. who the fuck is you only 277 rep 1 day won fucking moron dont you ever say that shit to me again
  12. its time for no n word November boys I'm rooting for all of you stay strong power through "Yo wassup ni***" - Jamal "Bro you can't say the N word it's No Ni*** November" - Hudson "That's sum ni*** shit bro" - Jamal
  13. my lawyers are working overtime to sue you two fuck faces slandering kids college enterprises good name you will pay for what you have done
  14. Dear Mr waddles This is frank aka i chop hatchbacks aka olympus mascot aka dumb dog aka ceo found co founder and leader of kids college eneterprises. I have brought you all here today to say waddles is not only a good friend but a hero of the state and most of all he is not a furry yes you heard correctly not a furry Sincerely, I chop hatchbacks
  15. he voted weird on my post so the next thing i say is okay because he started it fucking furry the admins gave me permission to write this post* *I HEADLESS told him to @ Waddles
  16. i do not have coffe with ryan every morning that was a lie i also do not own this server that was also a lie i also do not have a 2022 Mercedes blacked out gwagon with solid gold rims with access to the nuclear codes that was a lie ryan is also not my step brother i lied grandma gary is also not my cousin i am very sorry i have lied all these years to all the men and women i have tricked i say this to you on behalf of kids college enterprises sorry also thatnerdyguy is not my best friend from middle school was also a lie feels great to come out and say all this i really hope the community forgives me aswell as the people i lied about @ Grandma Gary @ Ryan @ ThatNerdyGuy
  17. strae called me a dumb dog and that's what i am

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