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milos inflated dev2 ego

Head Community Retard
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Everything posted by milos inflated dev2 ego

  1. buy and gun and go to Ukraine kill Russians and Ukrainians this is our world there just living it in USA USA USA USA USA USA
  2. demote @ SPBojo  

    1. SPBojo


      Improve your reading skills first. 

    2. monster


      wtf I'm missing my whitelist what the freak

    3. Lucien


      Can i have a whitelist 😳

  3. if youve seen barbie and you a real nigga drop a comment #imkenough

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. milos inflated dev2 ego
    3. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      He did what every man wants to do... a real idol

    4. Millennium


      I fell asleep after the first 15 minutes for like 10-15 minutes. The girl i was with will not let that go 😄

  4. someone puts more than 60 hours ban them @ Grandma Gary
  5. this is true you must fight for it like men
  6. <15:36:11> "ᓚᘏᗢ": I (i chop hatchbacks), sincerely apologise for being a dirty, filthy, despicable racist. I hereby swear to *never* say the n word again. Signed, Nelson. my fingers are crossed I'm extremely racist and I take pride in it
  7. didf you try reallocation ram to vcr-3957 I had that problem before and this fixed it
  8. i drive a 2023 Mercedes while your taking the trash out for 10,50 and i think ya needa repeat 2nd grade math i killed 4 restrained people thank you
  9. first i would like to say i am very sorry @ Rapture Reason VDM/FAILRPx3/RVD - pphil burberry - 7d - Bubbaloo Burrito (Remaining: 6d) just kidding you 90 pound fucking no life fuck here is 2 videos of rapture bitching and moaning along with disputes the third video was not put in my ban so I will give you my pov
  10. you kids are crybabies man if you really care that much you need to sit down and have a talk with your self and lets be honest here you have an erco aint no way you finna kill the man be honest with yourself
  11. I am bouta start a Minecraft server modded prolly one of the all the mods packs maybe project ozone no god damn clue looking for like around 5-7 people this will be teams if you are interested lemme fucking know 

  12. yall niggas are so bored you are creating problems out of thin fucking air just to entertain your self's and ur shit lifestyle go outside buy a dog buy a cat do fucking something gee fucking wizz my niggas
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