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About DubbedSoap

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  1. DubbedSoap


    @ Noahhh! o7, bro. Most people don't know the roles many of us played in Noble. That's alright though, it was about the community not the clout. Thanks for letting me and the NBC boys in like we were your own. Best gaming experience I've ever had. Hit me up for the next one homie. You're still the DP23 anti-air man, I copy-catted. Nothin' more than a warpoint farmin' rat. Just the way I like it. Go put the effort you put into this community into IRL now man, you gonna be someone.
  2. And I will not be wasting my time to get on Olympus to get those 6 hits, ever. o7 @anti It was always entertaining popping up in Sofia to check in on CTF and try to act as the Noble-CTF liaison. Also thanks for the business opportunities. Clean and easy. Good luck with everything. GG
  3. Titan first, support second. Olympus' "common sense" rule structure makes it extremely easy to play in the grey area—and if you're not then you're doing it wrong. Congrats @anti AKA "The Titan"! Keep the roleplay alive.
  4. Roll up on my Noble boys and the Narcos pull up with teh Jeep LMG
  5. "Supreme quality at unmatched low prices!"
  6. Do I need to call for help? All you fucking mouth-breathers got your lips zipped. I'm genuinely concerned, are you getting enough oxygen?
  7. Please elaborate on how my logic is "dumb". Maybe you don't agree with it, but how is it dumb?
  8. By "we" I am guessing you are referring to the S2 gangs. Also, are gangs going to be able to sell these sheds? Because who in their right mind wouldn't sell their free S1 meth shed for $50M and still do meth runs half the time they're online on S2? Imagine only having to sell 1 meth as a gang to make a profit instead of ~2,700-3,000.
  9. So to be clear -- Server 2 will still be open 50% of the time, and gangs from Server 2 get a free gang shed poofed into existence on Server 1 while keeping their Server 2 gang shed? Um... Do Server 1 gangs get a free Server 2 shed poofed into existence to play with during the 50% of the time Server 2 is up? If Server 2 plans on staying around for a while then let's balance this. Server 2 gangs be like "I'm gonna go do runs on S2 when it's up, and when it isn't I'm going to go do runs on S1 with my FREE shed." Throwback to the days where gangs bought sheds for $20M + $15M in upgrades and had to do $35M worth of runs to break even. Now they just get to get rich fast with no upfront costs If S2 gangs get a free 24/7 shed then why not let S1 gangs get a free shed to use 12/7. Half the time.
  10. Worst Chief the server has probably ever seen. If he did anything besides reply in memes and defend straw man arguments then it would be easier to forgive considering he is just a kid and put the time in. But he is toxic. And only ever got anything done by superseding the handbook to get his way. Maybe he is a fine admin--IDK--but Chief? Nah. That ain't it.
  11. OS only ever be like "You're stupid if you don't agree with me, fuck your opinion" also nemnocks a bitch
  12. ArmA 3 player pop in general is different now than back in the day. It's more critical now then ever to hold on to the player base you have. It's how you did it.
  13. Very often given the APD's track record of camping zones. Would not surprise me if APD casually checks airfields every 5 minutes when the jet bois are online. Sneaking in this rule change is gross, at least roundtable it (or try again). Death to Olympus via APD.
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