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Status Updates posted by BENJI

  1. Yesterday when I was playing Arma, lightning struck a power line in my small neighborhood at 9:00 pm and made the power go out instantly. Power went back on at 12:50 pm. btw #HexileHYPE!!!

  2. Just got my new 144hz monitor, finally I can play Arma 3 and CSGO with no screen tearing :P #IMSOEXCITED

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BENJI


      Meet me at in and out, oh and btw *ahem* *whisper* your not the only one that can get 70 frames in kavala *whisper*

    3. SPBojo


      *virtual highfives you* 

    4. BENJI
  3. I haven't been on for a couple of day's, Starting tomorrow I will try to start being more active. I've had to deal with some personal problems, now I will be back and Rping the shit out of all of you :P 

  4. That hype moment when you know that your 144hz monitor is coming

  5. My day: Friend Billy came over, he slept over, we couldn't sleep, stayed up, at 6:00 AM we took are Pillows and Blankets went outside and laid down on the Hammock, laid on the Hammock for about 45 mins, got up, went to his house, jumped in the Pool, dried off in the burning sun, we both ate croissants, I biked back to my house, cleaned up our mess, went upstairs, and typed this. #ExhaustedAsF**K

    1. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      "My day: Friend Billy came over, he slept over, we couldn't sleep, stayed up, at 6:00 AM we took..." is all I saw at first, I excepted to see something rather inappropiate.

    2. BENJI
  6. Hopefully I will be trying out for the APD tonight, until then I will be reading something a Cinder Block also known as the APD Master Handbook :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BENJI
    3. Fastik


      Whatever you say if you get asked what your main weapon is say offroad it will guarantee a instant pass.

    4. Dejay


      oh and if a helicopter lands in kavala square you shoot that bitch until it blows, dont search shit.

  7. Is it just me, or is the APD Handbook a Cinder Block

  8. I think Hitler's back


  9. When I see vigi's in kavala I be like..........


  10. I'm gonna be gone for a couple of days, maybe a week or even two. The reason is that I'm currently dealing with some depression issues, and I've made it my mission to resolve it. I hope to be back and stable again soon. And I hope that I will find out the solution, I will miss you guy's very much for the Duration that I'm gone

    sincerely, Benjamin Remer [R&R Dispatch]

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Hope you get well soon Benjamin.  Whatever you need to do to get better.  

    2. BENJI


      Thank you Bubbaloo, It means a lot to me.

  11. "There was never a time or moment in your history, where God wasn't there beside you"

  12. I'm getting sick and tired of people constantly calling RDM and VDM and calling out rules and constantly breaking RP, it's making everything a huge shit show.

  13. Oh My GOSH!!!! THE NEW FORUMS!!! IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!

  14. Always Forgive Your Enemies, But Never Forget Their Names

  15. When your in TS and Mcdili comes in the channel and says, BENJAMIN REMER!!!!!!!

    1. drama


      Best McDili interaction is when hes on cop and catches Conan The Destroyer and hes like "Now Mr. Conan"

    2. BENJI


      I miss Conan :(


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