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Bernie Sanders

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About Bernie Sanders

  • Birthday 05/01/2003

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. We have to be very, very aggressive, and I intend as chairman of the committee to use reconciliation to do just that,
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  2. This President should have been and should be much more aggressive and say, 'Hey, stay out of Washington D.C. Joe Biden is elected, he won the election, let it be,
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  3. I want the rook back, no cap
  4. Have you tried not running in front of a vehicle? You are the sole reason healthcare is so expensive!
  5. I want my rook back lmfao
  6. “It is time to reclaim America's moral leadership by supporting the effort at the World Trade Organization to allow safe, effective, generic vaccines and treatments to be produced cheaply and immediately, and distributed as urgently as possible to all -- as a matter of justice.”

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    1. buckie


      Go fuck yourself pig

    2. Larkerz


      we are in Greece rat

  7. “For too long our country has prioritized corporate profits, tax cuts for the rich and military spending over investing in the American people,” Sanders wrote on Twitter Sunday. “That is what I will fight to change as Senate Budget Committee Chairman.”

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    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      My man, #FeeltheBern

  8. 10) MX Tasers 1) MK1 Taser
  9. This is kinda toxic
  10. 10/10, but it's not my taste.
  11. 12) MX Tasers 1) MK1 Taser gotta get off will be back on at around 10AM EST
  12. 7) MX Tasers 1) SPAR 16S Taser 1) Level 4 Mk2 rig 1) Mk 1 Taser
  13. 2 mk1 taser 900k each buy both for 1.6 mil
  14. "Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel. So the physicians embalmed him, taking a full forty days, for that was the time required for embalming. And the Egyptians mourned for him seventy days."

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