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President Kraken

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Everything posted by President Kraken

  1. lets role soon
  2. and I always miss it...we gotta cause some chaos soon:P haven't messed with AMS Bojo in a while:P sadly he joined damn Mc
  3. i always miss them blowin you up ifk why they buy them
  4. Look fella the tests aren't easy I'll admit that but you ruined everything when you argued and failed to comply with the result I wish you the best of luck if you leave because of this and if you don't I hope to take you hostage:). I failed my test like 2 times before I got on the force and I understand why it's so hard. 1) People can't follow rules 2) People can't RP no one wants a cop who won't follow rules and tase right away, nor does anyone want a cop who reads charges off a list and doesn't even ask you why you did this and did that. Even tho the interview doesn't get the RP part into play it gets the rules in and I wish the interview included RP because not going to lie lots of cops don't RP and just read charges off a list. I hope you understand now why you failed and why you aren't on the force. this comes from the kindness of my heart and I think I spelled lots of stuff wrong. Enjoy your life in Altis fella Look fella the tests aren't easy I'll admit that but you ruined everything when you argued and failed to comply with the result I wish you the best of luck if you leave because of this and if you don't I hope to take you hostage:). I failed my test like 2 times before I got on the force and I understand why it's so hard. 1) People can't follow rules 2) People can't RP no one wants a cop who won't follow rules and tase right away, nor does anyone want a cop who reads charges off a list and doesn't even ask you why you did this and did that. Even tho the interview doesn't get the RP part into play it gets the rules in and I wish the interview included RP because not going to lie lots of cops don't RP and just read charges off a list. I hope you understand now why you failed and why you aren't on the force. this comes from the kindness of my heart and I think I spelled lots of stuff wrong. Enjoy your life in Altis fella
  5. still go me bojo:D even tho I'm kind newish
  6. That moment you realize you got more posts than Kratos himself yet I post useless stuff...
  7. Damn dude I remember one time you were brought in to judge a scenario while Ebzekro processed me:) always liked your vids and wish you the best
  8. As President I place Squall under watch of the National Altis Guard for odd Therapitic techniques
  9. Just want to say thanks Poseidon I see lots of your staff having fun and enjoying the server that you made. Thanks to you I've met lots of new people. Yet we never see you enjoying your creation. Me tried kidnapping you one time and you said "Im doing shit:P" or something around those lines. Then I was breaking Kratos out with my gang...before I crashed my heli which I do a lot, and I was talking to him about the shit staff gets and the fun they really have on the server. He said you have fun coding which is pretty cool because I'm the end it helps us out so we can have fun and you have fun doing it. Just wanted to say thanks for providing the fun we have and also damn you for not getting into the taru when Zhi and I tried kidnapping you. P.S. not trying to suck up just wanted to say thanks:) Lots of errors on phone
  10. Ive got the house with a basketball court infront of it...great for landing helis and stuff really nice location too just need a garage there
  11. and must act in a courteous manner at all times
  12. one to buy:P
  13. may I have my tags aswellNvm have
  14. How bout you need brass knuckles which are illegal in towns
  15. Is there a really nice house anywhere that doesn't necessarily have a good location like near Hero,Coke etc but just looks really nice to fit the President RP that I do now and then? Sadly Poseidon won't rebuild the Castle and paint it white but you know it's always worth a try to ask:P
  16. So I hassled the cops today about being tazed and restrained then tazed again while in restraints. No names to be mentioned but in the end im gettjng a full ticket and the cop adds an accident 2k to te charge...I end up getting a slick pardon. Best way to get a pardon? Hope for the mistakes of the APD. Pro Tip*
  17. I meant stuff like Dayz not mortal combat lol I always got dem finishers
  18. Blake- Best RP to get us out of things Kraken- RPs as President, Great Plans Paul-Great Shot Random 1-Good at stuff Random 2-Good at stuff
  19. Is there a way hand to hand combat could be added....brawls in the backstreets knives even for shanking and stuff in jail I mean excuse the unrealistic stuff but knives and fists could be really useful at rebel I was able to sneak behind two people and kill them if I had a gun. Sadly I could raise the bounty since my friend killed them with his gun but unarmed people have no chance to strike armed people. Idk if there is a plugin but is there a chance?
  20. President of Stratis at your service visiting altis soon to be President of Altis aswell.

  21. Ebs is the best. I first joined the server and never had to pick the peaches. He hooked me up and we've been chill since. We lost touch when I joined PcP but we let that slide and have good times whether I'm the criminal when he's the cop or vise versa. He's a good man and a good cop he's great with rp I would know i dealt 20 mins of my time trying to keep my illegal weapon (which I did not get to keep) but it was good RP ft Papamunski Eb and my self Kraken. The only favoritsm he gets is from me since he's the only reason I stayed on this server. Lots of love for you man! No homo
  22. If it makes your feel better myself Kraken and half of RPD got banned for bombing ten people with a suicide vest...admins did their job and they did it right happy holidays you salt shaker
  23. #RipPoKrakenRises
  24. Kraken [tK] me and savage have tK
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