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Everything posted by Poon

  1. Bianca better @ Noble
  2. Sad to see one of the people I've known longest on the server go down this way. @ Iceman I don't need to repeat what everyone has said 10x over, you know just how excellent of a Sr. you were. But now its on to bigger and better things, I wish you luck in whatever comes to you next in life.
  3. Congrats @ TomGB  much deserved


    1. ChillX


      not quite there yet 

    currently cannot play arma every time i join ANY server the game crashes and this error pops up. pls help
    Fix bad_module_info has stopped working error

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Poon


      tried running as admin, didnt work. ended up uninstalling and redownloading and then running as admin and has seemed to fix it ty


    3. TheHeroNoob


      try playing on profiling build if you havent already

    4. thomasaccount500


      HAVE YOU Tried verifying game files

  6. guys its don lucii's house
  7. quite literally a sarcastic joke if you cannot tell by the tone in my voice... I find it interesting that you say mighty is abusing his power when you can see in your video that his first reaction is to tell everyone effected to dispute the driver. Allowing for the person who is in the wrong to right things first before just live banning. Also if im not mistaken mighty didnt even handle this ban because he was a part of the situation and a different admin handled it.
  8. @ Rexo @ TapTap @ Mighty @ Jayden Blueberries @nate @ AbundantStream
  9. Good job @ Masoooooooooon , Reaching new HEIGHTS!

  10. you say it is cringe behaviour but that is the role cops are designed to play, cops are on the server to essentially hunt criminals. like @ Iceman said the majority of cops have been far to relaxed, illegal guns are illegal for a reason if you want to have a weapon on your back or out on display and not be messed with by cops there is workers protection and gun licences for that. However if a player is sitting in town with a MK1 / Mk200 or any other illegal weapon how can they then be mad when they are arrested for having it? I have already explained this to you that I in my experience I do not see this happening, it has also been explained to you that it says in the APD handbook that it is PREFERED that all illegal weapons are seized BEFORE transport. So i dont understand how you are mad at cops for following the handbook
  11. looks like youve been smoking abit too much of the meth ur makin
  12. rule of thumb when calling an area clear is 2 minutes. however yes this can be very slightly up to interpretation of the situation, now i cannot speak for when i am not online but I know that myself and majority of the other corporals stick to that 2 mins rule and are strict about waiting the appropriate time
  13. In all of the feds I have attended on cop there has only ever been ONE case of where a member of the gang robbing the fed is on cop and throwing purposefully. And this situation was dealt with hastily (within minutes). Im not saying that it never happens but when it does it is usually spotted fairly quickly.
  14. Fun fact, support team are NOT staff and have essentially no power. Their opinion on your ban means nothing.
  15. will buy all stings spars and mk1 tasers PM me
  16. About time Mr. scripter man @ TapTap

    1. TapTap


      They couldn't hold me down lmfao

  17. Poon

    l8r sk8r

    no @ but its okay o7 buddy - JM04
  18. Poon


    theres no way this whole thing isnt sarcastic right?
  19. it is mandatory because they are trying to stop petty bans, IMO its good because atleast the person who is going to be banned has a chance to rectify their mistake before just being hit with a ban.
  20. congrats @ Aceee knew you'd get it

  21. ok, im not staff but when a staff member is looking at a player report they also look at the dispute and if they go in there and see that the player being reported comped a reasonable amount of money then chances are they arent going to get banned. Disputes have the players names in there which can easily be used to find steam/forums profiles and then player ID's to put into the stats page.
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