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Everything posted by Poon

  1. +1 definitely will be in the future
  2. +1 this massively, it is sad however that in the past 3 days there have been multiple occasions of cops seeing us prepare for a fed/bw and the higherups telling all of the APD to log off, changing channel names in teamspeak to "dont join" among other things. really defeats the purpose of having those events if whenever it is about to be attempted the APD log off.
  3. gotta love when kids with less than 200 hours think they know what's best for the server
  4. Poon


    dont come back nobody wants you here. kick rocks snake ass bitch
  5. o7 buddy will miss the good old days
  6. i submitted he was banned i got comp
  7. Poon


    imagine thinking that this post is about loosing money in a virtual casino. big clown emoji
  8. Poon


    is it worth fixing if it drives away the part of the community keeping this server alive?
  9. Poon


    there is a difference between betting it away to another player and an NPC
  10. Poon


    I think the term your looking for is "ghosting a bank" not trying to drop success rates. Where you plant the bomb then run off and hide, once bomb is blown then you swoop in and take the bags. Considering in my experience cops dont show up a lot of the time, so its almost completely risk free money and arguably a smart thing to do.
  11. Poon


    how many?
  12. Poon


    anything below like 350 for mx like 120k for sting spa's are negotable
  13. Poon


    Wanting to buy Spar-16, Mx and sting tasers in bulk or individually Message me offers Poon#9176
  14. how much for mk1 taser?
  15. You ran TOWARDS the ifirit you chimp, plus the situation in your video is different from the one originally posted. Shit gang shit player get the fuck off the forums with your bitching
  16. Good Luck +1
  17. been a cop for 3 days and your already tryna complain?
  18. Poon

    Fuck Ivy

  19. The main reason you buy a house is to Store items; Drugs, guns, ammo etc. Not to pull cars, being able to cars from houses would make garages redundant and useless. Owning and and a garage and being able to pull a vehicle in a discrete place is a luxury and i believe it should stay that way. Plus having a gang owning one of the garages in a certain area can be a big advantage for that gang and how they control that section of the map which I think is a very good thing for the combat / flow of the game.
  20. I feel like the only valid point made here is to remove the alarm, which i agree is very annoying. But from my experience it is not hard to rob a gas station unless you are brain dead and do it in the middle of Pygros. Plus the average pay out of around 30k is very reasonable for the very short time you actually spend at the store.
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