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Everything posted by eknjack

  1. who are you
  2. @ Grandma Gary you made a big mistake unbanning revy 😡

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I only lifted my troll ban, he still has a legit ban from Mason he has to get lifted ^_^

      Don't tell him though.

  3. eknjack


    what license are you on about, a dick riding license?
  4. eknjack


    yeah because most randoms dont go about acting hard when theyre squeakier than my dogs toys
  5. eknjack


    calm down pal its not a love letter Also just to make something very clear - there is a stark difference between me typing a single "paragraph" to inform you of your apparent mental handicap versus you begging for an unban on a dying server, and frankly dying game, with, and I quote, "lengthy paragraphs detailing why I should be unbanned" and of course a forum post. Perhaps if you spent less time being a gimpy little retard you would A) not have been banned in the first place; and B) not be such a gimpy little retard
  6. eknjack


    yeah our whole gang cheated and got away with it, im here with the exposé your a retard a random cheated and got banned. How can you come calling people cheaters when you, in your infinite wisdom, cheat. Are you all of a sudden some sort of expert because you installed cheats? fuck up you silly little cunt get back to school and quit acting big your literally like 13 imagine begging for unban on a forum post then chatting bare shit actual munter
  7. eknjack


    Imagine writing paragraphs for a ban appeal
  8. the fact you have a daughter and still make fucking ur mom jokes is just an unfathomable level of cringe, grow up. Just because your mom was incapable of making a child to be proud of doesn't mean everyone else is in the same boat
  9. Why are you giving us your life story don’t you have a daughter to look after
  10. minger
  11. I’ll shove the red hand up your arse
  12. No his dad was too busy getting on the piss and beating him
  13. Once upon a time English people were smart but they died because Wizz and Hitler killed them all thinking they were class so the empire died out and retards now roam the streets. Hope this helps.
  14. whys "his" car parked in front of neighbours house
  15. revvy use the profits from your podcast to get this cunt some speech therapy
  16. Yeah like that one Australian dude
  17. how many crates is it
  18. Did you trying english properlys?
  19. You’ve proven yourself an idiot once again - say I’m a cop main despite me not actually holding a cop whitelist so you pull up 191 hours - 190 of which were 2 years ago at the start of the pandemic then bring up your olympus balance? Like what the fuck did your parents do to you as a child? Beat you over the head with a club? you stupid fuck
  20. Your a certified idiot, my 64 is linked to my profile you can go have a look at how much cop I play you absolute moron
  21. Your just an idiot who can’t actually make a valid point when faced with a valid argument you fucking retard enjoy 5 houses spastic
  22. Your a spastic, regular players can’t view who owns a house and who’s realistically going to join the APD for the sole reason of checking a specific house’s registered owner just to ultimately get turned down or given a shit price when they offer to buy the house - and that’s if the person even still plays like with Ivy and those other silla mongs with 4 accounts and 0 hours played over the past 3+ months
  23. Cheese is a full time olympus realtor, absolute unit
  24. People who need over 5 houses to farm have 0 life - who the fuck sits there on the daily to fill 5+ houses of shit pick a run and stick with it or have 2 houses at one location and 2 at another people who have to do every single run on the server are just autistic
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