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Everything posted by eknjack

  1. There’s a lot of ants
  2. You can’t say much about racism mister Kkkristian
  3. Hm for the 22 2c’s, might buy em off you when I’m home
  4. You’re an idiot if you think people won’t buy them
  5. there’s the odd woman but they’re either career cops or medics so yeah
  6. Is this the video noble uses to learn tactics?
  7. yeah I was joking too dw lmao
  8. sure thing big man
  9. Pack of watsits and a chunky Kit Kat
  10. he said a deal was made and the thread was closed
  11. If they’re your houses then where are the house icons
  12. People were complaining that none were on a few weeks ago and now you complain there are too many, dafuq?
  13. eknjack

    20m bet

    he has 30k rn hahahah
  14. hi cheese
  15. uninstall
  16. vigis are a pain in the ass as is, theyre mall cops ngl, dont give them shit
  17. they’re on server 2 ^
  18. its accurate enough to show i have a problem
  19. https://gyazo.com/d06847e21213ba5b87c1a852fb059ff6 how the fuck is a W/L ratio that shit even possible @Noahhh!
  20. wowwww really had to go there tbf i am a gambling addict
  21. Forgot to mention, server 2 only
  22. I need a DP 23 2c/3c, if ur selling any lmk
  23. imagine being in noble
  24. hm for the huron
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